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A Note From Our Acting Director:

With the outbreak of the coronavirus COVID-19, these are difficult times and are demanding of us personally and professionally. I am humbled by your dedication to support essential services and meet these unprecedented challenges. Thank you for your flexibility, creativity and responsiveness in serving San Francisco and its residents. We hope that this will be your go-to site for COVID-19 information. If you have comments or suggestions about this website, please email

We will only get through this together, and we are a strong team!               

– Acting Director Alaric Degrafinried


Messages From:


Disaster Service Workers:

Every day, Public Works staff from each of our burueas are serving the City's COVID-19 response. All employees who complete two or more hours of work related to the response to COVID-19 must submit the Incident Command System (ICS) 214 form and an ICS 211, form if applicaple. The hours tracked on the form must match the number of hours that are charged to the COVID-19 incident on your timesheet. Please review the ICS 214 guidelines to ensure you comply with this requirement. 


Quick Links:


​Recognize the Symptoms:

Contact your healthy provider if you are experiencing any of these symptoms.
If you don't have a health provider, contact the Nurse Triage System at 855-850-2249

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Shortness of Breath
  • Sore Throat
  • Tiredness


Work Resources:

DHR SFCentral Llogo


City Notifications:


Forms and Information:


Community Resources:

Family & Food




Well-Being Resources:

Feelings of well-being are fundamental to our overall health and ability to cope with difficulties. In a time of crisis, we need to pay more attention to self-care and care for families and friends. Each of us has different self-care tools: some common ones are time with friends and family, meditation, religion, being in nature, making something and exercise.



Education & Literature


Health & Fitness


Vulnerable Population


Mental Health Resources:

Our mental health affects how we think, feel and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others and make choices. Get the resources you need to help support and ease your mental state. We all need support in times like these!

Addiction & Recovery


Behavioral & Mental Health


Crisis Support:

You are not alone. If you need someone to talk to or know someone who may need a support system, please reach out. We're in this together


Friendship Lines

  • Institute on Aging Friendship Line - 800-971-0016
  • Covia Well Connected Groups - 877-797-7299
  • Bien Conectado - 877-400-5867
  • LGBT National Hotline - 888-843-4564
  • Trans Lifeline’s Peer Support Hotline - 877-565-8860