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FAQs on Employee Concerns during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Health Emergency

  • Can I get tested for COVID-19?

    The City has expanded COVID-19 testing to all frontline and essential city workers who are experiencing symptoms. Essential workers can get this test if they have to leave their homes to do their jobs and:

    • they work directly with people who are homeless, or who have serious medical conditions, or who are over age 60; or 
    • they interact in person with members of the public; or 
    • they cannot maintain social distancing at their jobs. 

    If you are a frontline or essential city worker with symptoms, please make an appointment for a free and easy test. Symptoms associated with coronavirus may include fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, loss of smell, chills, body aches, headache, fatigue, diarrhea, runny nose, and congestion. We want you to test as early as possible when symptoms emerge, so you can get the care you need and reduce the spread of infection. Test results will be available within 24 to 48 hours after the test. Keep in mind, the test detects the virus at the time of the test only. It does not test for immunity or if you had the virus in the past. If you test negative for the virus, you must remain cautious because you can still get the virus. If you have already been tested and received a negative result but still have symptoms, please get retested. It is possible you contracted the virus after being tested, or in some cases, you may have received a false negative because the tests are not perfectly accurate.

  • What are my sick leave, emergency FMLA and vacation rights?
    ​For information see the following websites:

  • When do the Federal and City sick leave hours become applicable? 
    Both the Federal and City sick leave hours are applicable as of April 1, 2020. The City-issued 80 hours of COVID-19 Sick Pay (COV) can be used as sick leave for any regular sick leave reason – use of these hours does not have to be related to COVID-19. The Federal Emergency Sick Leave only can be used for the reasons described in the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) flyer and must be signed by HR and approved by the department head.

  • Who is covered by the Federal sick leave hours and how do I access the hours?
    Refer to the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) flyer.

  • In order to apply for COVID-19 related sick leave, how can I get a health care provider’s note if I can’t see a health care provider?
    At this time, the City is not requiring that employees provide a health care provider’s note if the absence is related to COVID-19. However, DHR requires employees to identify health care provider information and sick leave advice or order date on the Emergency Sick Leave Request form. If employees have an email, text or other correspondence from a health care provider, they can provide that if they want.

  • What is the definition of quarantine and isolation order?
    A quarantine and isolation order is when a healthcare provider has ordered you to self-isolate due to COVID-19-related symptoms or illness, or if you have come into close contact with a person infected with COVID-19. All residents of the Bay Area are required to shelter in place (that is, to remain at home), unless they are performing essential duties. See Public Works Essential Duties. People not under quarantine are allowed to take care of essential personal business, such as getting food and medication and going for a walk. The Public Health Order and Governor's Shelter in Place Executive Order do not prevent employees from coming to work. As such, these orders are not justification for use of Federal sick leave.

  • Do I need to take all 80 Federal hours at one time or can I use them periodically?
    You can take them at once or periodically so long as the time frame is specified on the form and the reasons are approved by HR. Note: If you are requesting emergency sick leave for reasons #1 to #4 on the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) flyer then you must take it all at once. You cannot take it intermittently because you have been ordered for isolation/quarantine for 14 days.

  • If I am off from work for more than 5 days consecutively related to COVID-19, do I need a health care provider’s note? 
    According to latest DHR instructions from April 6, 2020, self-certification is sufficient. If you are off work for other reasons, you will need to provide a health care provider’s note. For example, if you broke a leg.

  • Is both City and Federal sick leave coverage good until December 31, 2020? 
    Yes. Both benefits must be used by December 31, 2020.

  • Can the City’s 80 hours of sick leave be used to supplement the Federal hours if we only qualify for reasons #4, #5 and #6 on the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) flyer?  

  • What if I am eligible to take sick leave but am needed for the Citywide Emergency Operations Center or Public Works essential services? 
    Being called as a Disaster Services Worker (DSW) or supporting essential services at Public Works is critically important at this time. With that said, we understand that employees need to take care of themselves and their families. If you are eligible and need to take leave under the expanded benefits related to COVID-19 you should make that request to your supervisor.

  • What benefits do I receive for performing essential services?
    For employees performing essential services who have been informed that they must remain in the workplace, the City will provide 8 hours of floating holidays (FHP) for every 40 hours of regularly scheduled hours worked (WKP), with up to a maximum of 80 hours of floating holiday time accrued over the duration of the emergency. The City will credit these floating holiday hours in the first full pay period after the end of the emergency and they can be used until June 30, 2022. As with other floating holidays, these hours are not subject to cash out upon separation

    At this time, for employees performing essential services who must remain in the workplace, the City will provide paid administrative leave if those employees are diagnosed with COVID-19, have symptoms consistent with COVID-19 infection or must isolate/quarantine pursuant to the direction of a healthcare provider or order from a federal, state or local official. For purposes of eligibility for paid administrative leave only, the City will presume these employees became exposed or sick in the workplace. Employees must use their FFCRA (Federal) Emergency Paid Sick Leave first and then can supplement with this paid administrative leave or other available benefits.

    Also, frontline workers will be able to access COVID-19 testing if they experience symptoms. This is by invitation only. If you are a frontline worker and haven’t received an invitation, please talk to your supervisor. For more information: City Test SF

  • What about the use of sick pay if I’ve worked my sixth or seventh day beyond the normal five-day work week? Do we forfeit our overtime (OT) pay or is that provision waived under the Mayoral Proclamation?
    The overtime calculation is still based on your union’s memorandum of understanding (MOU/contract) provisions. There is no change to the overtime provision in the labor agreement or Mayor’s/DHR Directive.​

  • Are there mental health resources for me?
    The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is expanded and is available to you daily, around the clock for one-on-one counseling. If you need additional assistance following your phone call with an EAP counselor, they can help you connect to long-term mental health counseling through the City’s health plan partners—Kaiser, Blue Shield of California and United Health Care. For more information and to schedule an appointment see EAP services or call (415) 554-0610 or (800) 795-2351.

    Also, there are more mental health and crisis resources available on the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Employee Resource Page. These resources include friendship lines, domestic violence support, senior and child resources, suicide prevention and addiction/recovery support.