For immediate release: Sept. 15, 2017
Contact: Rachel Gordon, 415-554-6045
Community Clean Team Visits District 3 for Coastal Cleanup
Litter Removal, Weeding and Beautification Projects Planned for Saturday Morning
San Francisco, CA – Nearly 200 volunteers are expected to join Supervisor Aaron Peskin and Public Works crews on Saturday, Sept. 16, for this month’s Community Clean Team coastal cleanup. Community groups, schools and merchants will join forces to beautify the City’s northeastern neighborhoods in District 3 to support the International Coastal Cleanup initiative.
Volunteers will work along The Embarcadero and in the Russian Hill, Fisherman’s Wharf and North Beach neighborhoods performing cleaning and greening projects around schools, commercial corridors, streets and public spaces.
Photo opportunities at Saturday’s event include:
Tons of litter gets dumped into our oceans every year. More than 1 million cigarette butts, 1.5 million plastic bottles and 400,000 plastic straws were collected along the coastline in a single day last year.
Thanks to volunteers around the world, the International Coastal Cleanup has become a beacon of hope, leading and inspiring action in support of our oceans and waterways.
Public Works has participated in the global volunteer program for the past 17 years and makes a continuous effort to keep our shores clean all year long.
Community Clean Team’s success relies on the many sponsors and volunteer organizations that pitch in. They include 76, Starbucks, California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, Friends of the Urban Forest, PG&E, Emerald Fund, The Hilton, Recology, Academy of Art University, United Playaz, Walgreens, Luxor Cabs, San Francisco Pretrial Diversion Project, San Francisco Recreation and Park Department, Community Youth Center San Francisco, San Francisco Unified School District, Tzu-Chi Foundation, SF Geo Care and SF Environment.
More information about volunteer opportunities with San Francisco Public Works can be found at
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