In order to enhance the viability of retail establishments in commercial districts, the City of San Francisco has developed a process that allows retail business owners to display some of their merchandise on a portion of the sidewalk in front of their business under Public Works Code, Article 5.3 and Public Works Order 166,458.
Starting in September 2021, the Display Merchandise Program is accepting applications through the San Francisco Shared Spaces online application portal. To submit an application, you may visit the online application portal here.
To balance safety and accessibility with commercial prosperity, the City has established the following requirements for all business owners who wish to obtain a revocable street-use permit to display merchandise on the sidewalk in front of their retail business establishment.
Display Merchandise Brochure (中文版) (Versión en Español)

Submit the following to Public Works Bureau of Street-Use & Mapping:
- Permit Application. An application submitted through the online Shared Spaces Application Portal.
- SF Business Registration Certificate. As part of the permit application submittal process, your business registration status will be verified.
- Photos. Images of the sidewalk or roadway fronting the business where the display will be proposed.
- Site Plan showing
- Entrance to business and adjacent building entrances.
- Property lines, sidewalk width, and any existing sidewalk obstructions within 15 feet of occupied area (e.g. fire hydrants, tree wells, street lights, parking meters, etc.).
- Length and width of occupied area, full dimensions of the display stands and awnings and the exact width of the pedestrian clear zone.
- See sample diagram. NOTE: Hand drawn plans can be accepted.
- Permit Application Fee. A non-refundable processing fee payable to Public Works. See the San Francisco Public Works Fee Schedule. NOTE: There will be an Assessment Fee, calculated from the approved Site Plan.
- Copy of Valid Certificate of Insurance (COI). The COI is evidence of general commercial liability coverage with language that must comply with Public Works BSM’s requirements as identified in the Sample COI.
The permit approval process may take approximately 2 to 6 months, depending on site conditions and other considerations.
- The permit application will be assigned to a staff member to review for completeness.
- The Site Plan will be reviewed to determine conformance with design requirements.
- After the Site Plan is approved and when the business is either open or nearly ready to open, a Public Notice will be provided for posting at the business in a conspicuous location fronting the public sidewalk.
- The Public Notice will remain in a readily visible place on the front of the business for ten (10) calendar days.
- If there are no objections from the public during the notification period, the application will be approved and a revocable Display Merchandise Permit will be issued; OR
- If there are unresolved objections from the public during the notification period, a Public Hearing will be scheduled. Following the Public Hearing, the Public Works Director will issue a decision to approve, conditionally approve, or deny the permit application.
- In the event of a denial, the applicant may appeal the decision to the San Francisco Board of Appeals within 15 calendar days of the decision.
- A copy of the approved permit must be displayed at the place of business in a location that is visible to the public and readily available upon request.
Starting in September 2021, the Display Merchandise Program is accepting applications through the San Francisco Shared Spaces online application portal. To submit an application, you may visit the online application portal here.
For Display Merchandise permits applied for under the Shared Spaces Program, you will be provided with renewal instructions via email before your renewal date. To renew a past Display Merchandise permit already on file issued before the Shared Spaces program, you may email us at commercialpermitrenewals@sfdpw.org for assistance.
Modifications to an existing permit will require a new permit application as described in the section on How to Apply for a New Permit Application.
Types of proposed modifications: |
1. Expanding or reducing the permitted area. |
2. Changing the permitted hours of operation. |
3. Changing the business ownership. |
4. Changing the business name. |
Permit Application Fees are described in the San Francisco Public Works Fee Schedule and listed below for reference:
- New Application: The fees for processing a new permit application or modification to an existing permit.
- Renewal: The fee for processing the renewal of the permit, which is the same as the fee for processing a new permit application.
- Assessment: The fee based on the area of the public right-of-way being occupied. Paid on an annual basis.
Permit Fee Schedule Brochure

Display Merchandise Guidelines have been established in Public Works Code, Article 5.3 and Public Works Order 166,458 to maintain a balance of safety and accessibility with commercial prosperity.
General Guidelines: |
Display merchandise can be placed only on the sidewalk in front of the retail establishment applying for a permit. |
When feasible, the sidewalk in front of the business must be wide enough to allow for a minimum of 8 feet wide unobstructed pedestrian through path of travel around the proposed display area. In cases where an eight-foot path of travel is not feasible due to the sidewalk width or obstructions on the sidewalk, a narrower pedestrian path of travel as low as six feet may be considered on a case by case basis. |
Placement of display merchandise on the sidewalk must not in any way interfere with curb ramps, access to the building, driveways or access to any fire escape or Fire Department connection. |
Outdoor displays shall have overhead protection that extends over all food items. |
Placement of display merchandise on the sidewalk must conform to all federal, state, and local laws and regulations. |
Placement of display merchandise on the sidewalk must conform to the following design guidelines: |
The area of display must be contiguous to the business establishment applying for or in possession of the permit. |
The display, including stand and merchandise, shall be a minimum of 2’-6” and a maximum of 3’-10” above the sidewalk, and shall extend onto the sidewalk no more than 2 feet from the front of the building or 25% of the width of the sidewalk, whichever is less. |
Displays must be constructed of materials that are smooth, nonabsorbent and cleanable. |
Only pre-packaged, non-potentially hazardous foods or uncut produce may be displayed in the public right of way. |
Food items shall remain under the control of the permit holder. |
In order to maintain this Revocable Street-Use Permit, the permit holder must comply with all applicable rules and regulations which include the following:
- Permit holder is responsible for making sure that all displays on the sidewalk stay within the approved area.
- Merchandise displayed in sidewalk area shall be representative of the merchandise displayed inside the retail establishment.
- All transactions shall occur only inside the retail establishment.
- All raw meat/fish, cut fruit, dried fruit and shelled nuts are not allowed for display in the sidewalk area.
- All display stands shall be promptly removed from the sidewalk in accordance with approved hours of operation each and every day.
- Permit holder shall maintain the storefront, exterior walls, sidewalk and gutter in a clean condition at all times. Sidewalks shall be washed daily at locations with food displays and as needed at others.
- Shopping carts are not allowed in the sidewalk area except at locations where the sidewalk clearance is 8 feet or more.
- Active deliveries are not allowed in the sidewalk area after 10:00 AM.
- No garbage may be stored on any portion of the sidewalk. Garbage receptacles, which must be tightly closed, may be placed on sidewalk for pick-up after 6:00 PM on the day prior to pick-up.
- Sidewalk areas may not be painted, landscaped or altered in any way without prior approval of Public Works.
- Permit holder must keep in force the liability insurance in which the City and County of San Francisco is named as additional insured as long as the permit is in effect.
- Permit holder must display a copy of the approved permit visibly for public view during business hours.
- All permit holders must request for renewal no later than 30 days prior to the expiration date of this revocable street-use permit.
The City and business owners must work together to maintain a balance between the City's obligation to protect the safety of the public and preserve commercial prosperity. Businesses that are found to be non-compliant with the provisions and conditions of this permit will be issued a citation in accordance with the appropriate sections of the Public Works Code.
For more information or clarification on any of the permit requirements, please contact us at:
San Francisco Public Works • Bureau of Street-Use & Mapping
49 South Van Ness Avenue, Suite 300 • San Francisco, CA 94103
Phone : (628) 271-2000
San Francisco Public Works • Permit Center
49 South Van Ness Avenue, Suite 200 • San Francisco, CA 94103 • Map
Processing Hours:
• Please visit https://sf.gov/location/permit-center for operating hours of the Permit Center.
• Closed on official holidays