A Side Sewer permit allows a Contractor, possessing an appropriate contractor’s license, to install a sewer lateral within the public rights of way. Side Sewer permits are intended for scope of work past the trap, towards the roadway, and up to the sewer main; for scope of work from the property to the trap, please visit our General Excavation webpage for more information. Information concerning the City’s existing sewer system, including possible existing side sewers, in proximity of a property can be obtained from the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission at SewerInspections@sfwater.org.


 The Contractor must have either a: 
   Class “A” license OR 
   Class “C-36” and a Class “C-12” license OR 
   Class “C-42” license



Submit the following to San Francisco Public Works, Bureau of Street-Use and Mapping.

  1. Permit Application. Submit a signed and completed permit application form.

  2. Plan. One (1) set of drawings showing the full scope of the proposed excavation. If computer-generated drawings are not available, a hand-drawn sketch may instead be submitted.

  3. Permit Application Fee. See the San Francisco Public Works Fee Schedule. In the majority of cases, the permit fee is calculated by adding the administrative fee and inspection fees together in the “General Excavation” section of the fee schedule. For most simple projects, Public Works charges for four (4) hours of inspection fees. Additional fees such as Street Space fees for right-of-way occupancy and no-parking signs may also apply. 



  • The Permittee shall have a certificate of liability insurance on file with BSM. 

  • The applicant must maintain a current Business Tax Registration Certificate issued by the City and County of San Francisco Tax Collector’s Office pursuant to Section 1003 of Part III of the San Francisco Municipal Code. 

  • For some new laterals exceeding the standard 6 inch diameter, a referral is required to the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC). In these cases, we may require written approval from SFPUC in order to proceed with the application review process. 

  • Pursuant to Article 2.4 of the Public Works Code, the Permittee shall file and maintain a Street Excavation Bond with a minimum amount of $25,000.00 with the Department of Public Works, to guarantee the maintenance of the pavement in the trench and roadway area for a period of 3 years following the completion of the backfill and pavement. 

  • All restoration shall be performed per Article 2.4 of the Public Works Code and DPW Order 187,005. All work including sidewalk and pavement cutting and removal, lagging, excavation, backfill, and sidewalk and pavement restoration shall be done by a licensed paving contractor and in accordance with the requirements of the Standard Specifications of the Bureau of Engineering, Department of Public Works, July 1986 Edition, Department of Public Works Order No 187,005 and Board of Supervisors’ Ordinance #131-07.


Tow-Away Signs that are issued as part of a Side Sewer permit must be registered through SFMTA. After you have received an approved permit with tow-away signs, you may register your signs using the instructions here.

You may also learn more regarding the tow-away sign issuance and activation process in the links below:


  • Having obtained authorization to excavate in the roadway, the contractor shall obtain any required permits and arrange for an inspection, for the portion of pipe from the trap to the property, with the Plumbing Inspection Division of the Department of Building Inspection (DBI). More information is available here.  

  • The Permittee shall call Underground Service Alert (U.S.A.), telephone number 8-1-1, 72 hours prior to any excavation.  

  • The Permittee shall follow all SFMTA Blue Book requirements.  

  • The Permittee shall verify the locations of any City or public service utility company facilities that may be affected by the work authorized by this permit and shall assume all responsibility for any damage to such facilities. The Permittee shall make satisfactory arrangements and payments for any necessary temporary relocation of City or public utility company facilities.. 

  • The Permittee shall schedule an inspection at least 10 days prior to beginning work by telephoning 628-271-2000 or by email at dpw-bsminspects@sfdpw.org

  • The Permittee shall abide by DPW Order 183621 - Trench Restoration Order – “Rules and regulations that would be implemented in the case of a catastrophic emergency within the City and County of San Francisco.” 

  • The permittee or contractor must update and maintain a record of the Side Sewer Job Card (Sample) on the job site at all times. 


    For more information or clarification on any of the permit requirements, please contact us at:
    San Francisco Public Works • Bureau of Street-Use & Mapping 
    49 South Van Ness Avenue, Suite 300 • San Francisco, CA 94103 
    Phone : (628) 271-2000

    San Francisco Public Works • Permit Center 
    49 South Van Ness Avenue, Suite 200 • San Francisco, CA 94103 • Map

    Processing Hours:
    • Please visit https://sf.gov/location/permit-center for operating hours of the Permit Center. 
    • Closed on official holidays