Asphalt Recycler Demonstration

For Immediate Release

August 28, 2007

Falvey Christine

(415) 554-6931


DPW Demonstrates Asphalt Recycler

Recycler could increase diversion rates by filling potholes with 100% recycled materials from San Francisco Streets

San Francisco, Ca-Today The San Francisco Department of Public Works' Bureau of Street & Sewer Repair demonstrated a portable asphalt recycling machine that the City is considering for purchase. DPW and 21st Century Equipment will be conducting demonstrations from its temporary location at the Municipal Asphalt Plant throughout the week. DPW, which sees the acquisition of an Asphalt Recycler as a way to support its efforts in cost-efficiency and environmentally-friendly work practices is providing demonstrations for staff and other agencies.

The use of an asphalt recycler will allow us to improve the quality of the city's roads in a way that is compatible with making San Francisco a healthier and cleaner place to live, said Mayor Gavin Newsom.

DPW's Street and Sewer Repair staff has been researching more efficient ways to fill potholes and patch pave streets while decreasing the amount of construction debris that goes to the landfill. Currently, the crew purchases asphalt produced from raw materials at DPW's Asphalt Plant, including aggregate, sand and oil. A recycling machine will allow DPW to produce asphalt from ground up asphalt from grinding and paving jobs from San Francisco's own streets that can then be used to patch pave and fill potholes throughout the City.

Currently, DPW recycles 15% of asphalt that is taken from our streets during city-led grinding/paving jobs and the department is researching ways that it can double this number to at least 30% in order to reuse more material than ever before.