Clean Team to Dig in for 2012 Arbor Day Celebrations


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Thursday, March 8, 2012 

PRESS CONTACT: Gloria Chan, 415-554-6926,


San Francisco Arbor Day celebrations feature Eco-fair, volunteer activities, honor renowned tree-planting environmental advocate

SAN FRANCISCO, CA – The Department of Public Works invites residents to volunteer and celebrate Arbor Day with Community Clean Team this Saturday, March 10th at 9 a.m. In celebration of Arbor Day, volunteers will learn about tree care and maintenance, work on landscaping and greening projects, paint over graffiti, and remove litter in the Excelsior and Outer Mission neighborhoods of San Francisco.

The annual signature tree planting and dedication will take place that morning for internationally renowned environmentalist Wangari Muta Maathai, a Nobel Peace Laureate, Goldman Environmental Prize winner, and founder of the Green Belt Movement. Maathai advocated tree planting and care around the world as a means of promoting social justice and sustainability. She won the San Francisco based Goldman Prize for her pioneering environmental work in Kenya.

In addition to volunteering, the event also includes an Eco Resource Fair, featuring arts and crafts, bucket truck rides, tree maintenance and pruning workshops, live animals, a bookmobile, and a full schedule of fun family activities. Entertainment includes live music and games for children as well as a barbeque lunch to reward volunteers for their contribution.

Lunch is also provided for volunteers. In partnership with the Clean City Coalition and Recology, residents living in Districts 11 will also have the opportunity to properly dispose of unwanted household bulky items for FREE. The drop-off is being held from 8am to Noon at the parking lot of the Crocker Amazon Playground at Moscow Street and Italy Avenue. 

For more information and to sign up to volunteer, please visit

WHO: Mayor Ed Lee, District Eleven Supervisor John Avalos, Public Works, and volunteers 

WHAT: Clean Team Arbor Day Celebration and Eco Fair 

WHEN: Saturday, March 10th, 9:00 a.m. to Noon 

WHERE: Brotherhood Way (between Alemany Boulevard and Arch Street)
