Work Begins on Project to Secure Rock Slope Below Coit Tower
San Francisco, CA – Work began this week on a six-month project to stabilize the crumbling cliff below Coit Tower. The critical $3.9 million Telegraph Hill Rock Slope safety improvement project aims to improve the safety of the hillside -- which has a history of rock slides during rainy seasons -- and reduce the potential for future rock slides in the historic neighborhood and popular lookout spot.
San Francisco Public Works hired Geo Stabilization International to perform the work, including excavating and hauling out several tons of loose rock from the cliff, repairing the wall, and stabilizing it with 30-foot anchors and a long-lasting, sturdy wire mesh over the project area that runs along Lombard Street.
“This rock slope is getting a vital fix,” said San Francisco Public Works Director Mohammed Nuru. “Through careful planning and engineering – and support from the community and neighbors – this project will stabilize the hillside to prevent more rock slides in the long term.”
Crews set up equipment this week and will continue with preconstruction prep work through the end of the month. In December, workers will start scraping and hauling off loose rocks and vegetation from the hillside. Next, workers will scale the wall and drill hundreds of holes, some 30 feet deep, and install sturdy rock anchors. And, finally, they will cover the vulnerable rocky areas with a hefty wire mesh. Work is expected to last until May 2015.
Some noise and parking impacts are expected as a part of the project, and the project team thanks neighborhood residents for their patience while these important safety improvements are underway. More information about the project and progress updates can be found at