Cesar Chavez Construction Project Update
Sept. 10, 2013
Contact: Rachel Gordon, DPW Public Affairs, 415-554-6045
or Alex Murillo, DPW Cesar Chavez project PIO, 415-437-7009
Work hours extended temporarily – expect traffic delays
San Francisco, CA – Crews working on Cesar Chavez Street roadway improvements will work extended hours from Wednesday, Sept. 11, 2013, through Friday, Sept. 13, 2013, to prepare for repaving the heavily used corridor.
Work on the westbound lanes will begin at 7 a.m. -- two hours earlier than normal -- and wrap up by the regular 4 p.m. end time. The extended hours will allow crews to complete the project in fewer days, causing less disruption in the long run.
Only westbound traffic, from Hampshire to Harrison streets, will be affected. Drivers exiting Highway 101 onto westbound Cesar Chavez may be impacted. Vehicles will be limited to one lane, and left turns may be restricted. Traffic delays are expected during construction. Drivers may want to take alternate routes to help alleviate anticipated congestion.
Roadway construction on eastbound Cesar Chavez is scheduled for 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 14, and will continue between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. on Monday and Wednesday of next week.
The Department of Public Works’ contractor, NTK Construction, Inc., will be replacing damaged sections of the concrete roadway that support the asphalt surface. The base work will extend the life expectancy of the new paving.
The repaving is part of Phase II of the Cesar Chavez Sewer & Streetscape Project – a community-backed plan to enhance safety for pedestrians and cyclists, improve storm-water management and beautify the neighborhood bordering the Mission and Bernal Heights with additional trees and landscaping. The sewer upgrades were completed earlier this year.
Public Works and the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission are spearheading the improvements along the Cesar Chavez corridor, in coordination with City Planning and the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency