FAQ about the Official Notice on Tree Care
I recently received an Official Notice from the City of San Francisco regarding the tree adjacent to my property. Does this mean my tree is in violation of any city codes?
The Tree Care notice you received in the mail was sent for educational and informational purposes only. This notice was sent to over 30,000 property owners, and is not specific to your tree or your property.
Is this notice a fine?
No, it is not a fine, but it does provide information on proper tree care in order to help you avoid fines resulting from excessive tree pruning.
Why did I receive this notice, and other people I know did not?
The notice was sent to the addresses in our tree permit database where tree-planting permits have been issued. In some cases the tree may no longer be there. If there is no tree adjacent to your property, it may not have been updated in our records. However, we encourage you to plant a tree.
Do I need to call the City to respond to this mailing?
No, there is no need to call in response to this mailing. The notice is simply intended to help property owners care for the trees for which they are responsible.
If you have any other specific questions please call us at 641-2676.
Thank you for working with us towards a healthy and beautiful urban forest.