• Southeast Health Center Renovation

Southeast Health Center Renovation

The 14,604 square foot Southeast Health Center is one of 12 public health clinics operated by the Department of Public Health.  The 1970’s building is a one story wood frame structure situated on a relatively flat site in the Bayview District of San Francisco.  The facility faces a public park and playground. The neighborhood is a mix of light industrial and commercial businesses.  

The completed project consisted of planning, design, and phased construction for barrier removal.  The work included accessibility improvement of the men’s and women’s public restrooms, exam rooms, paths of travel, van accessible parking, and other related work.  Construction phasing allowed the facility to remain operational and opened to the public during construction.

Health Centers & Hospitals
2401 Keith St
Locate on project map
District 10
Project Team

Bureau of Architecture
Bureau of Engineering
Bureau of Construction Management
Vila Construction, Inc.