Road Repaving & Street Safety Bond
The $248 million Road Repaving and Street Safety Bond was approved by voters in November 2011. With it, the City is repaving streets in neighborhoods throughout San Francisco; repairing deteriorating bridges, overpasses and stairways; and making traffic, pedestrian and bicycle and safety improvements.
Recommended as part of the citywide Ten-Year Capital Plan to improve and invest in the City’s infrastructure, the bond's purpose is to repave streets, make repairs to deteriorating street structures, and improve streetscapes for pedestrian and bicyclist safety, improve traffic flow on local streets, and install sidewalk and curb ramps to meet the City’s obligations under the Americans with Disabilities Act.
The bond includes strict standards of accountability, fiscal responsibility and transparency, including a comprehensive public oversight and accountability process, with regular audits of bond expenditures, an annual report, public hearings, and a dedicated webpage for updates on bond activities.
The Citizen’s General Obligation Bond Oversight Committee conducts regular audits of bond expenditures, including an annual report and public hearings.