Supervisors Vote to Extend and Expand Public Toilet Project
For immediate release: Jan. 27, 2015
Contact: Rachel Gordon, 415-554-6045
San Francisco, CA – The Board of Supervisors today unanimously approved extending and expanding the Tenderloin Pit Stop, a public toilet program that has shown measurable success and provides a safe, clean and private alternative for people who need a bathroom.
The portable solar-powered Tenderloin Pit Stop facilities provide toilets, sinks, used needle receptacles and dog waste stations at three locations in the Tenderloin.
San Francisco Public Works launched the program in July 2014 as a six-month pilot. The supervisors voted in favor of a $203,200 supplemental appropriation to fund the Pit Stop through June 30, the end of the fiscal year, and to add a fourth location in the South of Market. A final vote is expected next week.
The curbside toilets now are used an average of 167 times a day – nearly double from when the program started. In addition, the average daily number of requests for Tenderloin steam cleaning services, largely related to human waste on the sidewalks, gutters and in doorways, dropped from 27 to 15.
“The Pit Stops are a win-win,” said Public Works Director Mohammed Nuru. “They help keep our streets cleaner and give people a place to go with dignity.”
The mobile toilets are trucked into their locations each day after overnight servicing. They are open from 2 p.m. to 9 p.m., Tuesday through Friday. A key to their success, Nuru said, is that they are staffed by attendants who make sure they’re kept clean and used for their intended purpose.
Public Works has partnered with the nonprofit San Francisco Clean City Coalition, which provides the staffing as part of a job-training program.
"Our residents have been asking for a solution to the lack of safe and accessible public restrooms for years," said Supervisor Jane Kim, who represents the Tenderloin and South of Market and championed the program. "Through our City collaboration, we've been able to pilot a creative and compassionate program.”
The three Tenderloin Pit Stop locations are: Ellis Street (between Taylor and Jones streets); Hyde Street (between Eddy and Turk streets); and Golden Gate Avenue (between Jones and Taylor streets). Locations were picked based on data showing the highest volume of steam-cleaning requests, and their proximity to soup kitchens that feed homeless people.
The location of the fourth Pit Stop has not been determined, but likely will be on or near the Sixth Street corridor.
About San Francisco Public Works: The 24/7 City agency cleans and resurfaces streets; plants and nurtures City-maintained street trees; designs, constructs and maintains City-owned facilities; inspects streets and sidewalks; builds curb ramps; eradicates graffiti; partners with neighborhoods; trains people for jobs; greens the right of way; and educates our communities.