In December 2017, the Board of Supervisors passed Ordinance 244-17 amending the Public Works Code (Section 794) to allow Autonomous Delivery Device (ADD) to operate on City sidewalks for research and development testing. In coordination with other City agencies, Public Works oversees the program and issues permits authorizing the operation of the devices on City sidewalks. 


  • Permits are valid for no longer than 180 days. The Public Works Director may grant up to two 90-day extensions.

  • Permits authorize the testing of up to three autonomous delivery devices per permittee.

  • No more than a total of nine autonomous delivery devices may be permitted at any time. 

  • No permittee may hold more than one permit at any time; provided that a permittee may apply for a second permit, if after six months have elapsed from the effective date of this ordinance, no more than two prospective permittees have applied for an Autonomous Delivery Device Testing permit. If a permittee has received a second permit under this provision, that second permit shall not be eligible for a 90-day extension.

  • Testing shall be within zoning district designated as Production, Design and Repair (“PDR”).

  • Testing shall not take place within a Vision Zero San Francisco high-injury corridor.

  • A human operator shall remain within 30 feet of the Autonomous Delivery Device for the entire duration of testing.


 To apply for an Autonomous Delivery Device permit, fill out the permit application and prepare a submittal package that includes all required information found on the application checklist.




For more information or clarification on any of the permit requirements, please contact us at:
San Francisco Public Works • Bureau of Street-Use & Mapping 
49 South Van Ness Avenue, Suite 300 • San Francisco, CA 94103 
Phone : (628) 271-2000

San Francisco Public Works • Permit Center 
49 South Van Ness Avenue, Suite 200 • San Francisco, CA 94103 • Map

Processing Hours:
•Please visit for operating hours of the Permit Center. 
• Closed on official holidays