Fiscal Year 2014-15 and 2015-16 Budget Overview
Fiscal years 2014-15 and 2015-16 reflect years of growth for Public Works. Our budget allows us to better serve the people of San Francisco by:
Public Works is growing by welcoming new staff that will allow us to maintain and expand our community programs such as our public gardens, sidewalk cleaning, graffiti removal, street repair and various building and structure maintenance. Over the past year we have successfully rolled out new community programs and job building initiatives that address the needs of our city.
Public Works is very proud to share the success of the Pit Stop Program; it has allowed the city to maintain its dignity and also the dignity of our most vulnerable citizens. This program is expanding its services around the city, so stay tune to Public Works for updates! Public Works is also proud to have managed the construction of various capital projects, including San Francisco General Hospital and the new Public Safety Building, among others.
This year we saw new but welcomed challenges to our city and it allowed us to creatively explore new solutions. Whether it is weathering El Nino or organizing our spectacular annual parades and celebrations, our dedicated staff works strategically and around the clock to ensure that our city is always presentable.
2015-16 Operating Budget Highlights
Public Works’ total gross operating budget grew by approximately 8%, from $237 million in Fiscal Year 2014-15 to $256 million in Fiscal Year 2015-16. These figures include day-to-day operations such as:
This is just a snapshot of Public Works’ service to the community. As our budget grows we continue to expand the role of Public Works into the community.
Budget Highlights continued
In Fiscal Year 2014-15 Public Works received $19.1 million in general fund operating support; which was an approximately an 8% decrease from the previous year. In FY 2015-16 general fund operating support grew by 55%, to $29.7 million. The $10 million increase is primarily to expand the following programs within Street Environmental Services and Urban Forestry.
Capital Budget Overview
Our Fiscal Year 2014-15 and 2015-16 capital budget underscores the City’s commitment to taking care of San Francisco’s street and right of way infrastructure. Totaling $67 million in Fiscal Year 2014-15 and $73 million in 2015-16, the capital budget continues to fund pothole repair, tree replacement and emergency tree care, street structure repairs at various stairs, retaining walls, tunnels, and bridges, as well as emergency landslide repairs.
Capital Budget Highlights