DPW’s Website and Home Page Have a Brand New Look

DPW is redesigning our website to make our public face in the cyber space more user friendly and easier for the public to access information. We also want to ensure that our web presence best suits the needs of our stakeholders, and realigns with our vision, mission and strategic goals and objectives.

A high quality public internet site is everyone's responsibility. Our goals during the website upgrade are to provide convenient access to public works information, programs and services; provide better customer service by maximizing our use of online services; improve our ability to connect with the many diverse communities of San Francisco; showcase our projects and services; use our website to promote and support our vision and mission recently established through our Strategic Planning Process.

Thanks to DPW bureau managers and key staff for developing new content, updating existing content, making suggestions for better usability of our site and gathering appropriate photos, statistics, etc. Special thanks to Christine Falvey, Director of Public Affairs and Communications, for leading the core group including Ephrem Naizghi, Libi Wood, Greg Crump, Gloria Chan, Arlen Ung, Grace Moore, Sandra Zuniga, Liz Lerma, Melina Markarian, Karolina Pormanczuk, Dadisi Najib, Joy DiFranza and Shih-Wei Lu who work diligently to help put a friendly new look on DPW's home page.

Below is the "wireframe' mock up of the new website's homepage. It represents the organization and direction for the new DPW site. Design, look and feel are still in the works.