Various Locations Pavement Renovation and Sewer Replacement Project No. 53
Construction Updates
7/19/24: As of today, we have reached substantial completion on this project. This means that all planned paving, sewer, curb ramp and sidewalk has been completed, and we are now entering the closeout phase of the project. During the closeout phase, all work is re-inspected and minor fixes are performed by our contractor wherever necessary.
7/11/24: Starting on Wednesday, July 17th, we will be re-paving Jamestown Avenue between Jennings Street and Ingalls Street. The first step of this work is to grind away the existing asphalt roadway surface. Then, we will re-apply 2 new inches of asphalt to the roadway. This work should take roughly two days to complete barring any unforeseen circumstances or inclement weather.
6/11/24: On Monday, June 17th through Thursday, June 22nd, we will be re-paving blocks of Tennessee Street, 23rd Street, Missouri Street and Indiana Street. The exact schedule is as follows:
Monday, June 17th: Grind away the existing asphalt roadway surface on Tennessee Street between 20th and 22nd Streets.
Tuesday, June 18th: Re-pave Tennessee Street between 20th and 22nd Streets. Grind away the existing asphalt roadway surface on Indiana Street between 22nd Street and Cesar Chavez Street.
Wednesday, June 19th: Re-pave Indiana Street between 22nd Street and Cesar Chavez Street.
Thursday, June 20th: Grind away the existing asphalt roadway AND re-pave both 23rd Street between Tennessee Street and 3rd Street AND Missouri Street between the Yellow Cab Access Road and Cesar Chavez Street.
The first step of this work is to grind away the existing asphalt roadway surface. Then, we will re-apply 2 new inches of asphalt to the roadway. We expect this work to take four work days in total to complete barring any unforeseen circumstances or inclement weather.
5/7/24: On Monday, May 13th, we will begin sewer main replacement on Indiana Street between 26th Street and Cesar Chavez Street. Once we install the sewer main on this block, we will then replace any damaged sewer laterals, which are the smaller pipes that run perpendicular to the curb and connect the sewer main with household plumbing systems. We expect this work to take about 2 to 3 weeks to complete, barring any unforeseen circumstances. A few weeks after sewer work on this block is complete, we will re-pave Indiana Street between 22nd Street and Cesar Chavez Street. You will receive additional notice about this work in the mail roughly 10-15 days before it is schedule to begin.
5/6/24: On Wednesday, May 8th, we will begin sewer main replacement on 23rd Street between Tennessee Street and 3rd Street. Once we install the sewer main on this block, we will then replace any damaged sewer laterals, which are the smaller pipes that run perpendicular to the curb and connect the sewer main with household plumbing systems. We expect this work to take about 2 weeks to complete, barring any unforeseen circumstances. A few weeks after sewer work on this block is complete, we will re-pave 23rd Street between Tennessee Street and 3rd Street. You will receive additional notice about this work in the mail roughly 10-15 days before it is schedule to begin.
4/18/24: The week of April 22nd, we will be re-paving the following blocks: Wisconsin Street between 20th Street and 22nd Street, De Haro Street between 18th and 19th Street. The first step of this work is to grind away the existing asphalt roadway surface. Then, we will re-apply 2 new inches of asphalt to the roadway. Work should take roughly two days to complete on each block, barring any unforeseen circumstances or inclement weather.
The following week, April 29th - May 3rd, we will be re-paving Minnesota Street from Mariposa Street to 20th Street, 18th Street from Tennessee Street to Minnesota Street, and Tennessee Street from 18th Street to 20th Street. This work should take roughly five days to complete in total, barring any unforeseen circumstances or inclement weather.
4/12/24: On April 22nd, we will be lining the existing sewer main on Mariposa Street between Utah Street and San Bruno Avenue. The current phase of lining work will take place on Monday April 22, 2024, and will take one day to complete. The works hours will be 8 AM to 5 PM. Sewer service will not be interrupted during the relining work. Please continue to use your household plumbing as usual.
The sewer lining work is low-impact when compared to full open-cut replacement which can take several weeks or months to complete. Crews will access the sewer main via the manholes in the middle of the street. Although most of the work will occur underground, crews will stage their trucks and equipment in the street in order to perform the work. The machinery required to complete the work will include generators, sewer bypass pumps, spotlights, water trucks, flat-bed trucks, etc.
Please note: A slight odor from the liner material may be noticeable when it is inserted into the manholes. This is normal. The odor typically dissipates after a few minutes.
2/23/24: On February 28th, we will begin sewer main replacement on Tennessee Street between 20th Street and 22nd Street. Once we install the sewer main on this block, we will then replace any damaged sewer laterals, which are the smaller pipes that run perpendicular to the curb and connect the sewer main with household plumbing systems. We expect this work to take about 3 to 4 weeks to complete, barring any unforeseen circumstances. A few weeks after sewer work on this block is complete, we will re-pave Tennessee Street between 19th Street and Tubbs Street. You will receive additional notice about this work in the mail roughly 10-15 days before it is schedule to begin.
2/14/24: On Monday February 20th, we will begin sewer main replacement on Tennessee Street between 19th Street and 20th Street. Once we install the sewer main on this block, we will then replace any damaged sewer laterals, which are the smaller pipes that run perpendicular to the curb and connect the sewer main with household plumbing systems. We expect this work to take about 2 to 3 weeks to complete, barring any unforeseen circumstances. After work on this block is complete, we will then begin replacing the sewer main on Tennessee Street between 20th and 22nd Streets. Note: this work will not interrupt plumbing service, and you can continue to use your household plumbing normally throughout this project.
1/23/24: On January 24th, we will begin sewer main replacement on Tennessee Street between 18th Street and 19th Street. Once we install the sewer main on this block, we will then replace any damaged sewer laterals, which are the smaller pipes that run perpendicular to the curb and connect the sewer main with household plumbing systems. We expect this work to take about 4 to 5 weeks to complete, barring any unforeseen circumstances. After work on this block is complete, we will then begin replacing the sewer main on Tennessee Street between 19th and 20th Streets. Note: this work will not interrupt plumbing service, and you can continue to use your household plumbing normally throughout this project.
Throughout the week of January 22nd, we will be constructing new curb ramps at the intersection of 19th Street and De Haro Street. We expect this work to take roughly one week to complete, barring any unforeseen circumstances. A few weeks after the completion of this work, we will re-pave all of De Haro Street between 18th and 19th Streets. Local residents will receive additional notice in advance of this paving work.
1/16/24:The week of January 22nd, we will be re-paving 18th Street from South Van Ness Avenue to Mission Street. The first step of this work is to grind away the existing asphalt roadway surface. Then, we will re-apply 2 new inches of asphalt to the roadway. This work should take roughly one week to complete barring any unforeseen circumstances or inclement weather.
1/8/24: On Monday, January 8th, we will begin sewer main replacement on 18th Street between Minnesota Street and Tennessee Street. Once we install the sewer main on this block, we will then replace any damaged sewer laterals, which are the smaller pipes that run perpendicular to the curb and connect the sewer main with household plumbing systems. We expect this work to take about 2 to 3 weeks to complete, barring any unforeseen circumstances. After work on this block is complete, we will then begin replacing the sewer main on Tennessee Street between 18th and 19th Streets. Note: this work will not interrupt plumbing service, and you can continue to use your household plumbing normally throughout this project.
12/19/23: We are currently proceeding with work on Minnesota Street and Wisconsin Street through the end of this week. We are currently performing a sewer main replacement on Minnesota Street between 18th and 19th Streets, and constructing curb ramps at the intersection of Wisconsin Street and 22nd Street. After Friday, December 22nd, we will be pausing work at both locations until January 8th.
11/17/23: Starting on Monday, November 27th, we will be re-paving Alabama Street between 15th Street and 20th Street. The first step of this work is to grind away the existing asphalt roadway surface. Then, we will re-apply 2 new inches of asphalt to the roadway. This work should take roughly one week to complete barring any unforeseen circumstances or inclement weather.
11/7/23: Sewer Work on Minnesota Street from Mariposa Street to 18th Street has been delayed, and will begin on Wednesday, November 15th. We apologize for this unforeseen delay, and thank you for your understanding. The sewer work on this block is still expected to take 2 to 3 weeks, and will still be followed by street re-paving shortly afterward.
10/17/23: On Thursday, October 26th, we will begin sewer main replacement on Minnesota Street from Mariposa Street to 18th Street. Once we install the sewer main on this block, we will then replace any damaged sewer laterals, which are the smaller pipes that run perpendicular to the curb and connect the sewer main with household plumbing systems. We expect this work to take about 2 to 3 weeks to complete, barring any unforeseen circumstances. After work on this block is complete, we will then re-pave the entire block. Note: this work will not interrupt plumbing service, and you can continue to use your household plumbing normally throughout this project.
9/12/23: On Friday, September 15th, we will begin sewer main replacement on Wisconsin Street from 20th Street to 22nd Street. Once we install the sewer main on this block, we will then replace any damaged sewer laterals, which are the smaller pipes that run perpendicular to the curb and connect the sewer main with household plumbing systems. We expect this work to take about 4 to 5 weeks to complete, barring any unforeseen circumstances. After work on this block is complete, we will then re-pave the entire block. Note: this work will not interrupt plumbing service, and you can continue to use your household plumbing normally throughout this project.
9/5/23: On Thursday, September 7th, we will begin sewer main replacement on Alabama Street from 16th Street to 15th Street/Treat Avenue. Once we install the sewer main on this block, we will then replace any damaged sewer laterals, which are the smaller pipes that run perpendicular to the curb and connect the sewer main with household plumbing systems. We expect this work to take about 2 weeks to complete, barring any unforeseen circumstances. In the weeks after work on this block is complete, we will then re-pave all of Alabama Street from 20th Street to 15th Street except the block between Mariposa and 17th Street. Note: this work will not interrupt plumbing service, and you can continue to use your household plumbing normally throughout this project.
8/14/23: Starting on Monday, August 21st, we will be constructing new, ADA-compliant curb ramps at the intersection of Tubbs Street and Indiana Street. We will be constructing four new ramps to facilitate easier, safer and more accessible crossings in all directions. This work should take approximately 2 weeks to complete, barring any unforeseen circumstances like inclement weather or equipment breakdown. While this work is taking place, street parking on this block and some adjacent spaces will be prohibited to provide adequate space for traffic routing and construction work. After this work is complete, we will then be re-paving Indiana Street from 22nd Street to 25th Street.
8/9/23: On Thursday, August 10th, we will begin sewer main replacement on Alabama Street from 18th Street to Mariposa Street. Once we install the sewer main on this block, we will then replace any damaged sewer laterals, which are the smaller pipes that run perpendicular to the curb and connect the sewer main with household plumbing systems. We expect this work to take about 3 weeks to complete, barring any unforeseen circumstances. After work on this block is complete, we will then perform the same work on Alabama Street between 17th Street and 16th Street, and eventually all the way up to the intersection of Alabama and 15th Street/Treat Avenue. We will not be working on Alabama Street between 17th Street and Mariposa Street, as this block is scheduled for future sewer and paving work as part of another City project. Note: this work will not interrupt plumbing service, and you can continue to use your household plumbing normally throughout this project.
Previously, the re-paving of Buena Vista Avenue East was planned to progress from the bottom of the hill at Haight Street up to Upper Terrace throughout this week. However, due to unforeseen issues with parking and traffic planning, began today at the Duboce and Buena Vista East intersection, and proceeded up the hill toward Park Hill Avenue.
Tomorrow, we will be grinding and repaving the remainder of the stretch of Buena Vista East between Park Hill Avenue and Upper Terrace. Then, on Wednesday, August 2, 2023, we will grind and repave Buena Vista Avenue East from Haight to Adah's Stairway. We will be finishing up on Thursday August 3, 2023 by grinding and repaving Buena Vista Avenue East from Adah's Stairway to Duboce.
7/24/23: UPDATE ON WORK ON ALABAMA STREET AND BUENA VISTA AVENUE EAST: Due to unforeseen conditions in the field, both the sewer main replacement work on Alabama Street between 19th and 18th streets, as well as the re-paving on Buena Vista Avenue East, which were originally planned for July 24th, have been rescheduled to begin on July 31st. Nothing other than the starting date will be changed on either of these projects, and all other information in the update below is still relevant. We apologize for any confusion that this might have caused.
7/12/23: On Monday, July 24th, we will begin sewer main replacement on Alabama Street from 19th Street to 18th Street. We expect this work to take about 3 weeks to complete, barring any unforeseen circumstances. Once we install the sewer main on this block, we will then replace any damaged sewer laterals, which are the smaller pipes that run perpendicular to the curb and connect the sewer main with household plumbing systems. After work on this block is complete, we will then perform the same work on Alabama Street between 18th Street and Mariposa Street, and eventually all the way up to the intersection of Alabama and 15th Street/Treat Avenue. We will not be working on Alabama Street between 17th Street and Mariposa Street, as this block is scheduled for future sewer and paving work as part of another City project. Note: this work will not interrupt plumbing service, and you can continue to use your household plumbing normally throughout this project.
Starting on July 24th, we will also be re-paving Buena Vista Avenue East from Haight Street to Upper Terrace. This work is expected to take about a week to complete. This is the final scope of work that is scheduled for Buena Vista Avenue East on this project.
Starting the week July 24th, we will be constructing new, ADA-compliant curb ramps at the intersection of 23rd Street and Indiana Street. We will be constructing four new ramps to facilitate easier, safer and more accessible crossings in all directions. This work should take approximately 2 weeks to complete, barring any unforeseen circumstances like inclement weather or equipment breakdown. While this work is taking place, street parking on this block and some adjacent spaces will be prohibited to provide adequate space for traffic routing and construction work. After this work is complete, we will be building four more curb ramps at the intersection of Tubbs Street and Indiana Street. This will also take approximately two weeks to complete. After both intersections are complete, we will then be re-paving Indiana Street from 22nd Street to 25th Street.
5/31/23: Starting on Monday, June 12th, we will be constructing new, ADA-compliant curb ramps at the intersection of Buena Vista Avenue East and Park Hill Avenue. We will be constructing two new ramps to facilitate easier crossing across Park Hill Avenue. This work should take approximately 2 weeks to complete, barring any unforeseen circumstances like inclement weather or equipment breakdown. While this work is taking place, street parking on this block and some adjacent spaces will be prohibited to provide adequate space for traffic routing and construction work.
5/15/23: Starting in early June, our contractor Precision Engineering, Inc. will begin replacing the sewer main on Buena Vista Avenue East from Buena Vista Terrace to Park Hill Avenue. Once the sewer main is installed, we will inspect each sewer lateral on the block and determine whether they need replacement. This work should take approximately 2 to 3 weeks, barring any unforeseen circumstances like inclement weather or equipment breakdown. While this work is taking place, street parking on this block and some adjacent spaces will be prohibited to provide adequate space for traffic routing and construction work.
5/9/23: Sewer main replacement work is starting on Buena Vista Avenue East from Waller Street to Duboce Avenue. Once the sewer main is installed, we will inspect each sewer lateral on the block and determine whether they need replacement. This work should take approximately three to four weeks, as our contractor is experiencing difficulties excavating some portions of soil underneath this block. Once all sewer work is complete on this block, we will begin a similar scope of work on Buena Vista Avenue East between Buena Vista Terrace to Park Hill Avenue.
5/2/23: Starting Wednesday, May 3rd, our contractor Precision Engineering, Inc. will be paving Buena Vista Avenue West from Haight Street to Upper Terrace, starting at the bottom of the hill on Haight Street. The first step of this work is to grind away the existing asphalt roadway surface. Then, we will re-apply 2 new inches of asphalt to the roadway. The work will progress in the following order:
Wednesday 5/3 - Buena Vista Avenue West from Haight Street to just beyond Waller Street will be ground and re-paved.
Thursday 5/4 - Buena Vista Avenue West between Waller Street and 755 Buena Vista Avenue West will be ground and re-paved.
Friday 5/5 - Buena Vista Avenue West between 755 Buena Vista Avenue West and Java Street will be ground and re-paved.
Monday 5/8 - Buena Vista Avenue West between Java Street and Upper Terrace will be ground and re-paved.
Street parking will be prohibited in the areas where our contractor will be working on a given day. However, parts of Buena Vista Avenue West that are not receiving work on a given day will have some street parking availability. Pedestrian path of travel, as well as driveway and garage access, will be maintained at all times. Work hours will extend from 7:30am to 5:30pm daily. Although weekend work is allowed, none has been planned at this time. You will receive additional notice if weekend work is eventually scheduled.
Project Description
San Francisco Public Works has contracted with Precision Engineering, Inc. to install new sewer utilities and renovate the roadway at various locations in San Francisco as part of the Various Locations Pavement Renovation and Sewer Replacement Project No. 53 (VL53). The old pipes have been videoed internally and are cracked and/or broken. Replacing these pipes now will prevent possible collapse of the sewer mains and pavement in the future. Sewer service will not be interrupted during the construction. Pavement Renovation and Sewer replacement work will occur between January 2023 and July 2024.
This project will include sewer main replacement, curb ramp installation, street base repairs and repaving. Work hours will vary by location, however, typical working hours are 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Weekend work is allowed but has not been scheduled at this time.
Work Locations | Approx. Construction Schedule |
18th Street – Mission Street to South Van Ness Ave | Complete |
18th St: 3rd St to Minnesota St | Complete |
19th St – Florida Street to York St | Complete |
23rd St – Tennessee St to 3rd St | Complete |
Alabama Street – Treat Ave to 20th St | Complete |
Buena Vista Ave West – Haight Street to Upper Terrace | Complete |
Buena Vista Ave East – Upper Terrace to Haight Street | Complete |
De Haro St – 18th to 19th streets | Complete |
Indiana St – 22nd St to Cesar Chavez St | Complete |
Jamestown Ave – Jennings Street to Ingalls Street | Complete |
Mariposa St – Utah St to San Bruno Ave | Complete |
Minnesota St – Mariposa St to 20th St | Complete |
Missouri St – Cesar Chavez St to Yellow Cab Access Rd | Complete |
Tennessee St – 18th St to Tubbs St | Complete |
Upper Ter – Buena Vista Ave to Masonic Ave | Complete |
Wisconsin St – 20th St to 22nd St | Complete |
Woodward St – Duboce Ave to 14th St |
Complete |
During sewer replacement, driveway access may be impacted while crews work on your block. Please allow extra travel time should crews need to plate over the trench and create a path for your vehicle. If crews are working in front of your house, please let them know a few minutes before you need to exit your driveway. They may need to create a path of travel for your vehicle. We appreciate your cooperation and patience during construction.
Please note: sewer laterals will be replaced on an as-needed basis between the main and sidewalk. Sewer service wil not be interrupted during construction. Please continue to use your household and business plumbing as usual.
Once the sewer work has been completed on a block, crews will begin preparations to repave the block or rebuild the concrete roadway. Preparations may include installation of curb ramps, concrete street base repairs, grinding (removal of existing asphalt) and roadway paving.