On July 26, 2023, Mayor London Breed signed San Francisco’s $14.6 billion budget following final approval by the Board of Supervisors. You can learn about the City's budget process and find budget documents here.
Budget Overview
FY 2022-23 | FY 2023-24 | Change from FY 2022-23 | |
Total Expenditures | $450.9 M | $453.2 M | 0.5% increase |
Total Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) | 1,766 | 1,809 | 2.4% increase |
San Francisco Public Works' budget reflects the organization's years of growth and allows us to better serve the people of San Francisco by continuing to implement our vision of providing exceptional public service to San Francisco residents, businesses and visitors.
The budget is reported and managed in seven bureaus: Building Design and Construction, Infrastructure Design and Construction, Street-use and Mapping, Building and Street Repair, Urban Forestry, Street Environmental Services and General Administration. The cost for the General Administration bureau is largely allocated to the other department bureaus through the department's indirect cost plan.
For Fiscal Year 2023-24, $159.0 million (35.1 percent) of the department’s budget is funded through interdepartmental sources from other City departments to work on various capital and maintenance projects. The second largest funding source is capital funds at $100.9 million (22.3 percent), most of which are state funds primarily from the Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Account (SB 1), which is a form of gas tax, along with certificates of participation (COPs) dedicated to the Public Works Street Resurfacing Program. The General Fund provides $99.7 million (22 percent) that supports street cleaning. The remaining funding sources come from gas tax and road fund subventions from the State of California and San Francisco’s voter-approved Proposition E Tree Maintenance Fund that sets aside General Fund revenue to pay for tree care and sidewalk repairs caused by tree roots.
Funding Sources FY 2023-24:
Funding Sources FY 2024-25:
Budget Changes
The FY 2023-24 budget saw a 0.5 percent increase from the previous year. This $2.3 million increase is primarily due to modifications in various funds, including street cleaning services and capital programs and projects. Similar to prior years, the City has recognized the importance of maintaining clean and sanitary streets and prioritized funding targeted to street cleaning services.
Street Cleaning Services: The FY 2023-24 budget will include $9.6 million for additional street cleaning and graffiti abatement for the current fiscal year, and $7 million in the subsequent fiscal year for a total of $16.7 million. The funding provides for 20 FTE positions, approximately 19 temporary positions, professional services, and additional equipment such as steamers rentals, packers and illegal dumping cameras.
Love Our Neighborhoods Permit: The budget provides staffing support for the new Love Our Neighborhoods permit. The initiative will make it easier and less expensive for residents and nonprofits to install beautification projects and other public-serving amenities that benefit the community, such as sidewalk benches, little libraries, murals and tiled public stairways. The Board of Supervisors is expected to finalize the legislation in fall 2023, with implementation to follow by the end of the calendar year. The budget for the permit program is $223,574 for FY 2024 and $368,252 for FY 2025. It will fund two off-budget new positions – an administrative analyst and a street inspector.
Budget Uses FY 2023-24:
Budget Uses FY 2024-25:
Capital Budget
Public Works’ capital budget for FY 2023-24 is $102.2 million, which funds both major ongoing programs and standalone projects. A large portion of that budget is for our Street Resurfacing Program, the Earthquake Safety and Emergency Response Program (ESER) projects to address seismic improvements and upgrades to City- owned facilities, and the new Roof and Elevator Modernization Pilot Program.
Additional Resources
Public Works' FY 2023-24 and FY 2024-25 Budget Overview: In February 2023, Public Works gave a public budget presentation to the Public Works Commission. Click here.
Public Works' General Obligation Bond Reports: Explore detailed bond reports that explain how voter-approved funds are being spent throughout the City. Visit page.
The Budget and Appropriation Ordinance for FY 2023-2024 and FY 2024-2025 was passed by the Board of Supervisors and approved by Mayor London Breed on July 26, 2023. Find it here.
The Salary Ordinance for FY 2023-2024 and FY 2024-2025 was passed by the Board of Supervisors and approved by Mayor London Breed on July 26, 2023. Find it here.
The Mayor's July Budget Signing: You can watch the full press event from the July 26, 2023, budget signing here.
The Mayor's Proposed Five-Year Financial Plan: The plan forecasts expenditures and revenues during a five-year period and discusses strategic goals and corresponding resources for City departments. Visit page.
SF Open Book: Access a wealth of information about how much and where the City is spending funds. Find budgets, financial and government performance reports and more. Visit page.
Financial Reports: Access reports to get a complete picture on the overall financial conditions of the City and County of San Francisco. Visit page.