Gough Street Traffic Signal Upgrade Project
Project Description
San Francisco Public Works constructed Traffic Signal Upgrades and Curb Ramps at intersections on Gough Street from Page Street to Broadway Street. Construction began Janaury 2019 and continued through November 2019. Bay Area Lightworks was the contractor and San Francisco Public Works managed construction.
Fire Station No. 16
Lombard Street Vision Zero Project
Traffic Advisory: Caltrans Bay Area has scheduled daytime lane closures from Monday, March 15, 2021 through July 2021, Monday through Friday on U.S. 101 Lombard Street between U.S. 101 Van Ness Ave and Lyon Street for a series of roadway improvements.
The project will involve:
Filbert Street and Leavenworth Street Pavement Renovation and Sewer Replacement Project
The City & County of San Francisco has an ongoing program of replacing aging sewer mains with new vitrified clay sewer mains. Replacing these aging pipes now will prevent possible collapse of the sewer lines and pavement in the future. Sewer service will not be interrupted during construciton. San Francisco Public Works has contracted with Precision Engineering, Inc. to begin work under contract No.
California Laurel Village Improvement Project
Project Information
The Laurel Village Improvement Project on California Street extends from Spruce Street to Laurel Street. Laurel Village serves as a local commercial district for the surrounding residential neighborhood. Our goals are to improve safety; provide a more attractive pedestrian environment; improve Muni travel time and reinforce the neighborhood identity of the Laurel Village Shopping Center. Construction was completed in January 2019.
Road Repaving & Street Safety Bond
The $248 million Road Repaving and Street Safety Bond was approved by voters in November 2011. With it, the City is repaving streets in neighborhoods throughout San Francisco; repairing deteriorating bridges, overpasses and stairways; and making traffic, pedestrian and bicycle and safety improvements.
Marina Bay Trail Planning
The Marina Bay Trail Planning project is an outreach process designed to look at alternative design options for the Bay Trail along Marina Boulevard from Scott to Baker streets. The process includes collecting data about the number of people walking, biking and driving in this section and gathering input from the community about what improvements they would like to see in this area.
The guiding principles: