Urban Forest Plan logo and render

Our urban forest is a complex system of trees, plants, wildlife, soil, air and water within the city including the many people who care for and enjoy it.

The San Francisco Urban Forest Plan was created to preserve, replace and grow the City's tree canopy so that residents and visitors alike can experience the canopy's social, economic and environmental benefits now and for years and generations to come. 



San Francisco was once a largely treeless landscape of grassy hills and sand dunes. Today, almost 700,000 trees grow on both public and private property. From the Embarcadero's gracious palms to the tall cypresses of Golden Gate Park, trees are a beloved feature of the city and critical piece of urban infrastructure. Trees make San Francisco a better place to work and live.


Importance of Trees

Healthy tree-lined streets are a key component of our urban forest. An estimate 125,000 trees grow along San Francisco's streets (street trees). These trees contribute to a more walkable, livable and sustainable city. They remove pollutants from air and water. They create greener and more vibrant neighborhoods. They make streets more enjoyable to walk and shop along. Street trees connect us to nature and enhance the quality of our daily lives. 


The Plan

Public Works, in collaboration with the Planning Department and Friends of the Urban Forest, created a plan to promote San Francisco's urban forest with a primary focus on street trees. The Urban Forest Plan identifies policies and strategies to proactively manage and grow the City’s street tree population. The goal of the Plan is to create an expanded, healthy and thriving urban forest now and for the future. In conjunction with the Plan, a Street Tree Census and Street Tree Financing Study also took place.


The Urban Forest Plan's first phase - Street Trees - is now in motion with StreetTreeSF. To view the San Francisco Urban Forest Plan, click on the below links:


Visit the Planning Department website for additional information regarding San Francisco's Urban Forest Plan.