Map of San Francisco Climate Zones
San Francisco possibly has over 26 micro-climates. For a climate zone map that illustrates the three major climates zones of San Francisco (Zones 1-3) and that will assist you in selecting adaptable plants for your zone, check out the Climate Zone Map of San Francisco.
Recommended Plant Database: SFPlantfinder, a sortable database of recommended plants for all planting conditions, soils, habitat and water use.
Here are some gardening resources from the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission.
Recommended Drought-Tolerant Plant List for San Francisco’s Sidewalk Landscaping Installation
1. Drought tolerant perennials, ferns, grasses and low shrubs adaptable to a variety of microclimates and sidewalk conditions:
- Recommended drought-tolerant plant list
- Thrifty 50 - List of recommended, durable, low-maintenance, water-wise plants
- Thrifty 150 - List of recommended, durable, low-maintenance, water-wise plants
2. Lists that include drought-tolerant perennials, ferns, grasses and low shrubs adaptable to specific micro-climates:
Zone 1
- Plants that tolerate sun, wind, seacoast and fog conditions
- Plants that tolerate shade, part shade, wind, seacoast and fog conditions
Zones 2 & 3
- California native plants that tolerate sun and attract hummingbirds & butterflies
- California native plants that tolerate shade
Pre-designed Plant Palettes
Pre-designed plant palettes have been developed to assist residents.
Zone 1
Pre-designed plant palettes and planting plans for Zone 2 & 3