Lawton Avenue Pavement Renovation

Project Information 

The Department of Public Works is making pavement renovations along Lawton Avenue from the Lower Great Highway to 28th Avenue ( 18-blocks). This work includes the addition of new curb ramps, concrete base repairs, asphalt grinding and finally paving.

Prop C Tree Pruning Information

Tree Pruning Information

DPW maintains about 40,000 of the 100,000 street trees in San Francisco, mostly along major transportation corridors and within some redevelopment areas.

In addition to pruning trees on an as-needed basis, DPW provides routine maintenance. These trees are pruned between two to seven years, depending on the trees' characteristics and condition. It can take between one to six months to prune an entire street.

FAQ about the Official Notice on Tree Care

I recently received an Official Notice from the City of San Francisco regarding the tree adjacent to my property.  Does this mean my tree is in violation of any city codes?

The Tree Care notice you received in the mail was sent for educational and informational purposes only.  This notice was sent to over 30,000 property owners, and is not specific to your tree or your property.


Eco Blitz Stats for 2009

By the numbers 

53 Number of Corridors 
209 Total number of Corridors walked during Eco Blitz 
509 Total Number of Warnings Issued 
51 Total Number of Citations Issued 
1688 Total Number of Trash Bags Collected 
1203 Total Number of City Cans Steamed 
1008 Total Number of City Cans Painted