Page Street Neighborway Project
Project Update (Week of 6/5):
Our contractor has been busy stamping the asphalt at the Page/Buchanan intersections. The stamping work is scheduled to conclude mid-week.
In the coming days, our contractor is scheduled to begin addressing any identified punch list items.
Project Description
San Francisco Public Works has partnered with the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission and the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency to complete safety and infrastructure improvements on Page Street as part of the Page Street Neighborway Project. Our partnership allows us to minimize impacts to the public by consolidating our work whenever possible.
San Francisco Public Works has partnered with the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission and the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency to complete safety and infrastructure improvements on Page Street as part of the Page Street Neighborway Project. Our partnership allows us to minimize impacts to the public by consolidating our work whenever possible.
The Page Street Neighborway Project is an effort to make this important residential corridor a safer and more pleasant place to walk and bike to nearby parks, schools, and other destinations. Page Street has been identified on the San Francisco Planning Department's Green Connections Network, which makes it a priority corridor for landscaping and other greening opportunities.
This project will include improvements at the following intersections along Page Street:
• Page Street and Buchanan Street
• Page Street and Laguna Street
• Page Street and Gough Street
The Page Street Neighborway Project will include six sidewalk widening bulb-out extensions (four of which will include landscaped rain gardens), as well as the city's first “raised” or traffic-calmed intersection at the intersection of Page Street and Buchanan Street.
Additional scopes of work will include sewer drainage work at the intersections, concrete street base work at the intersections, curb ramp installation, and sidewalk widening at bulb-out locations.
Please note: The schedule is subject to change due to rain, equipment breakdown or unforeseen field conditions. Work hours may vary by location, however typical working hours are 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. Weekend work is allowed but has not been scheduled at this time.
For additional information, please visit us at the following webpage SFMTA – Page Street Neighborway Project.
Pavement and Sewer Renovation
Public Safety
In Progress
- Page Street and Buchanan Street - Page Street and Laguna Street - Page Street and Gough Street
District 5
$1.6 Million
Project Manager
Arun Bhatia (628) 271-2146
Project Team
- San Francisco Public Works
- San Francisco Public Utilities Commission
- San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency
- Michael O'Shaughnessy Construction, Inc.
(415) 799-7043 Main Office
(415) 799-7043 After Hours
Alex Murillo (628) 271-2244