• street level view of the Clay Street and Grant Street intersection

Various Locations Curb Ramps and Sub-Sidewalk Basements

San Francisco Public Works’ Curb Ramp Program is pleased to announce the Various Locations Curb Ramps and Sub-Sidewalk Basements project.  The project will be implementing various safety and infrastructure improvements, including curb ramp installation, traffic signal improvements, and new pedestrian lighting at Clay Street & Grant Avenue and Sutter Street & Stockton Street. The anticipated duration and scope of work can vary at each location. 


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Construction Updates 工程最新進展


Clay & Grant Intersection: Construction resumed after Holiday moratorium. Sub-sidewalk basement work has been completed. The team will start the curb ramp work on the southeast and southwest corners after January 29th celebrations, weather permitting. Curb ramp work is scheduled to be finished in mid-February with final paving to occur after Lunar New Year street market and parade.

Sutter & Stockton: Electrical work is being performed and expected to be completed at the end of January. Curb ramp work will be performed at the median, northwest, southwest, and southeast corners. Work is scheduled to be completed by the end of April.

企李街及都板街路口:節日後施工恢復正常。人行道地下室及路面工程已完工。在農曆新年(1月29日)後,若天氣情況良好,施工隊將開始東南角及西南角的人行道過道處安裝無障礙路緣斜坡, 預計於二月中旬前完畢,並在農曆新年街會及大巡遊後完成最後的水泥鋪面工序。
Clay & Grant Intersection:  All structural construction has paused and is pending a redesign. No further update at this time.
Sutter & Stockton Intersection: Project is currently waiting for PGE to perform utility relocation before PW project can proceed with construction.
企李街都板街交叉路口: 由於施工圖需進行修改,現場所有施工暫停。目前無更多信息。
Pavement and Sewer Renovation
The Clay Street and Grant Avenue intersection and the Sutter Street and Stockton Street intersection
District 3
Summer, 2024
Fall, 2025
$1.4 Million
Project Manager
Anastasia Haddad
Project Team

San Francisco Public Works

San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency

San Francisco Public Utilities Commission

Anastastia Haddad