Public Works has developed a list of paving and mulch material options for sidewalk landscaping installations. The list of material options was developed for As-Needed Sidewalk Inspection and Repair Program (SIRP) sidewalk landscape installations, however this list is useful to aid residents and/or contractors with finalizing material selection for all sidewalk landscape installations.


Construction Material Options

Suggested materials for your sidewalk landscaping installation

  1. Decomposed granite
  2. Stone mulch
  3. Bark chips

Courtesy strip paving                              

  1. Concrete paving
  2. Decomposed granite
  3. Unit pavers on aggregate base   


Accessible path paving                             

  1. Concrete paving
  2. Permeable concrete 
  3. Unit pavers with mortar joints on concrete base                        

Edge treatment options                           

  1. Precast concrete blocks
  2. Cast-in place concrete curb
  3. Brick or concrete pavers  
  4. Stone cobbles
  5. Wood 
  6. Metal