Guerrero Repaving Project -- 1764J
Project Information
Under direction of DPW, the contractor is charged with upgrading concrete-street base and asphalt resurfacing on Guerrero Street between Market &19th streets, with the exception of 14th to Dubose streets. Contractor will begin by repairing damaged concrete-street base, sidewalks, curbs & gutters; and installation of curb ramps. Following completion of all the concrete work, the contractor will remove the aging asphalt and replace it with fresh asphalt on Guerrero between Market and 19th streets, excluding the one block between 14th and Dubose streets.
Project Update
The contractor has begun sawcutting Guerrero Street from Market to 19th streets (excluding the block between Dubose & 14th streets) in preparation of upgrading damaged or outdated concrete repairs to street and curb ramps between 14th & 19th streets.
Project Location
Guerrero Street between Market &19th streets, excluding the block between Dubose & 14th streets, which requires sewer repairs before resurfacing can begin.
Project Duration
100 Calendar Days
Project Team
Department of Public Works
Esquivel Grading & Paving
Bill Adams
Office of Communications & Public Affairs