Hall of Justice Replacement Jail Project
On December 15, 2015, the Board of Supervisors rejected the proposed 384-bed RDF and verbally directed the Department of Real Estate to begin negotiating the acquisition of parcels on the proposed site.
Department of Public Health and Sheriff Department to convene a working group to include the District Attorney, Public Defender, Police Department, Adult Probation, Pre-Trial Diversion, Controller, Department of Public Works and Capital Planning, to develop a plan that will identify a new facility or facilities needed, and see to maintain the City’s eligibility to use State financing.
November 2015, San Francisco receives SB 863 State Financing award of $80 Million for the design and construction of the RDF.
Project Description
Having recognized that it is not feasible to address a variety of departmental functional requirements, facility deficiencies and life safety hazards by renovating the existing Hall of Justice at 850 Bryant Street, the City has undertaken a Justice Facilities Improvement Program to identify a strategy to provide adequate facilities for all current occupants. The City intends to provide improved venues for six City departments apart from the current Hall of Justice location, serving the justice system in coordination with the State of California, which is expected to eventually replace the Superior Courts currently in the facility. The project sponsor is the City and County of San Francisco.
A major component of the Justice Facilities Improvement Program is a new Rehabilitation Detention Facility. The project seeks to replace existing maximum security County Jails #3 and #4 located on the 6th and 7th floors at the Hall of Justice on a parcel of approximately 50,000 square feet, possibly on the block immediately east of the existing Hall of Justice, bounded by Bryant, Sixth, Harriet Street, and Ahern Way.
The construction of a new replacement jail before the Hall of Justice becomes inoperable will save the City tens of millions of dollars in temporary jail housing cost for a period of three to four years while a new jail is been constructed.
The project’s goal is to construct a modern facility with direct supervision housing unit and program space to align with the Sheriff’s department operations and mission, to provide a seismically-safe structure and environment, to securely, humanely house, feed, clothe and provide medical and mental health services to persons confined under the law within the San Francisco County Jail system, and to also provide a safe and secure work environment for sworn and civilian staff of the Sheriff's department to perform their job duties and responsibilities.
Project Scope
Current bed count is estimated at about 384 beds or 204 cells. A San Francisco County Jail System Needs Assessment update, prepared and issued by the San Francisco Controller’s Office in May 2015, estimates the new Rehabilitation Detention Facility may consist of between 120-393 rated and non-rated max-security detention beds.
Frequently Asked Questions, download the FAQs for the Rehabilitation Detention Facility project.
- 2014-2016 Planning and Design
- 2015 Complete Environmental Review and seek funding approval
- 2016- 2017 Pre Construction- Begin Construction
- 2020 Completion and Occupancy
- December 15, 2015 Board of Supervisors’ Full Board Meeting (Hearing on Resolution to Accept and Expend State Financing award of $80 Million) Board action - Table Resolution
- December 3, 2015 Board of Supervisors' Budget and Finance Committee (Hearing – Accept and Expend State SB 863 Financing award of $80 Million)
- July 21, 2015 Board of Supervisors’ Full Board Meeting (Hearing on adopt CEQA clearance and approval to submit application for SB 863 State Financing of up to $80 Million)
- July 16, 2015 Board of Supervisors' Government Audit and Oversight Committee (Hearing - Jail Rebuild)
- July 15, 2015 Board of Supervisors' Budget and Finance Committee (Funding Application - Sheriff's Department - Construction of Adult Local Criminal Justice Facilities)
- March 2, 2015 Community meeting regarding the environmental review process for the proposed Rehabilitation Detention Facility,presentation (PDF)
- June 2015 Update to the Jail Population Forecast
- November 2013 Seismic Evaluation of San Francisco Sherriff’s Department County Jail - Building CJ-6
- October 2013 County Jail Needs Assessment: Hall of Justice Replacement Jail - Office of the Controller
- September 2013 San Francisco Hall of Justice Replacement Jail Study
- December 2008 San Francisco Justice Facilities Improvement Study Final Phase Report
- November 2015 Rehabilitation Detention Facility Hall of Justice Jail Replacement Project Youth Commission
- August 20, 2015 RDF Presentation to Construction Management Association of America
- June 2015 Rehabilitation Detention Facility Hall of Justice Jail Replacement Project SF Planning Commission Hearing
- April 2014 Rehabilitation Detention Facility (RDF) Hall of Justice Replacement Jail - Presentation to the Board of Supervisors Budget and Finance Committee
- March 2014 Rehabilitation Detention Facility (RDF) – Hall of Justice Replacement Jail Pre-Proposal Conference Request for Proposals for Environmental Review Consultants
- January 2014 Hall of Justice Replacement Jail – Presentation to the Board of Supervisors - Capital Planning Program
- October 2013Hall of Justice Replacement Jail – SB 1022 Application for State Criminal Justice Facilities Financing Program - Capital Planning Program
- August 2013 Hall of Justice Replacement Jail: San Francisco Sheriff’s Department Presentation To Community Corrections Partnership
- March 2007 Justice Facilities Improvement Program Hall of Justice Replacement – Overview
For more information about the City and County Jails, please visit sfsheriff.com