• Clean Team volunteers

PRESS RELEASE: Volunteers Gearing Up for Neighborhood Spruce Up - Rain or Shine 11/19/16

For immediate release: Nov. 18, 2016
Contact: Rachel Gordon, 415-554-6045

Community Clean Team’s season finale on Saturday will green and clean District 11

San Francisco, CA – More than 150 volunteers are expected to join Public Works crews and District 11 Supervisor John Avalos on Saturday at the final Community Clean Team event of the 2016 season.

Volunteers will spend their morning working on greening and cleaning projects in Merced Heights, the Ingleside, the Outer Mission, Excelsior and other District 11 neighborhoods. They will work alongside Public Works crews to give thanks to their community by sprucing up nearby parks, schools, medians and public gardens.

What: District 11 Community Clean Team
Date: Saturday, Nov. 19, 2016
Time: 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. (speaking program begins at 9 a.m.)
Kickoff location: Balboa High School, 1000 Cayuga Ave.
Who: City crews, Supervisor John Avalos and community volunteers

Photo Opportunities at Saturday’s event include:
• Planting fruit trees at Sisterhood Garden (Brotherhood Way and Arch Street)
• Weeding, pruning and mulching at Balboa High School
• Spreading wood chips at Tara Street Park off Geneva Avenue and Tara Street
• Removing litter on Mission Street, from France Avenue to Allison Street

More than 2,300 volunteers participated in this year’s Community Clean Team work days, which focus on a different supervisorial district each month. Now celebrating its 16th year, Community Clean Team is Public Works’ longest-running and largest volunteer program. The community partnership helps keep our neighborhoods clean, green and beautiful by planting trees, spreading mulch, abating graffiti and removing several tons of litter from City parks, school grounds and commercial corridors.

Sponsors and volunteer organizations include: 76, Starbucks, California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, Friends of the Urban Forest, The Garden Project, Garden Champion Group, Greenagers, Excelsior Action Group, Outer Mission Merchants and Residents Association, Emerald Fund, The Hilton, Recology, Academy of Art University, San Francisco Clean City Coalition, Local 261, Community Youth Center San Francisco, Got Graffiti, San Francisco Parks Alliance, San Francisco Housing Authority, United Playaz, Project 20 Pretrial Diversion Program, San Francisco Recreations and Parks, Mission Neighborhood Centers, Luxor Cabs, San Francisco Unified School District, Walgreens and SF Environment. 

About San Francisco Public Works: The 24/7 City agency cleans and resurfaces streets; plants and nurtures City-maintained street trees; designs, constructs and maintains City-owned facilities; inspects streets and sidewalks; builds curb ramps; eradicates graffiti; partners with neighborhoods; trains people for jobs; greens the right of way; and educates our communities.



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District 11