Volunteers Build Community Cleaning and Greening District 11
July 18, 2014
Rachel Gordon, (415) 554-6045
Summer fun and civic pride aim to beautify San Francisco neighborhoods
San Francisco, CA – Public Works invites volunteers to clean and green the Excelsior, BalboaPark and other District 11 neighborhoods for a community event on Saturday.
"Volunteers show their civic pride by keeping the City clean and green, and in turn help to maketheir community stronger and more vibrant,” said San Francisco Public Works DirectorMohammed Nuru.
District 11 Supervisor John Avalos will join the more than 300 volunteers who are expected toturn out to care for trees, landscape, remove weeds, paint out graffiti and help clean up litter for theseason’s sixth of eightCommunity Clean Team/Giant Sweep work days.
Who: Supervisor John Avalos, Public Works crews, community volunteersWhat: Community Clean Team volunteer event for District 11
When: Saturday, July 19, 9 a.m. - 12 noon
Where: Kickoff at Balboa High School, 1000 Cayuga Ave @ Onondaga
(Work sites listed below.)
Selected work sites/photo opportunities:
refresh paint and weed along Alemany (Naglee to Farragut)
Alemany median planting (Mission to Santa Rosa)
weed and debris removal along Oneida, Naglee, Restani and Geneva Balboa Park playground beautification projects
tree basin maintenance along Mission and Seneca
compost giveaway at June Jordan school
litter pickup at Balboa and Denman schools
litter pickup along Mission and Alemany (Ocean to Sickles)
Community Clean Team is associated with Giant Sweep, a citywide anti-litter campaign thatpartners the City, the San Francisco Giants, local schools, residents, businesses and communitygroups to keep San Francisco clean and beautiful. For more information or to sign up tovolunteer, visit www.sfgiantsweep.org.
Last year, 5,986 Community Clean Team volunteers planted 1,325 trees, bushes and plants;removed 62 tons of litter and debris from sidewalks and parks; removed 54 tons of green wastefrom sidewalks and medians; abated graffiti from more than 47,000 sq. ft. of public property;trimmed 50 trees; and improved 308 tree basins. So far this year, participants volunteered morethan 6,000 hours in the program.
Public Works’ Community Clean Team partners include the Recreation and Park Department,the San Francisco Housing Authority, Juvenile Probation Department, San Francisco ArtsCommission, all 11 members of the Board of Supervisors, the San Francisco Police Department,the Department of the Environment, the Sheriff’s Department, Clean City, Caltrans, theMunicipal Transportation Agency, the San Francisco Unified School District, MissionNeighborhood Centers, the Mayor’s Office of Neighborhood Services, SF Parks Alliance,Summer Youth Program, Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, Wells Fargo, CollegeHill Neighborhood Association, BT Express, Tzu Chi, Larkin Street Youth, and Project 20Pretrial Diversion Program.
Community Clean Team is sponsored by Public Works, Starbucks, Walgreens, Recology,Academy of Art University, the Emerald Fund, the San Francisco Hilton, Luxor Cab Co.,Laborers’ Local 261 and PG&E. Contributions include in-kind services, volunteer hours andfinancial support.