3555 Washington St

Site: 1

Reason(s) for Tree Removal: Tree is in severe decline, likely due to heart rot common in this species. Severely thin and chlorotic crown. Location IS replantable and tree will be replaced by property owner.

Posting Period: 03/24/25 - 04/23/25

Public Works Hearing

Notice is hereby given that the Director of Public Works will hold a remote public hearing via teleconference to consider the item(s) listed below and that said public hearing will be held as follows:

DATE:                    April 2, 2025

Time:                     10:00am

1641 York St.

Site: 1

Reason(s) for Tree Removal: Sewer lateral replacement is expected to destabilize tree. Location is not replantable. 

Posting Period: 03/17/25 - 04/16/25

1871 Bush St.

Site: 1,2

Reason(s) for Tree Removal: Permit 797642. Two (2) significant treeson private property to be removed without replacement. Trees are growing in small containers next to the foundation and bay windows. Trees are damaging the house and sewer. Limited planter space is inadequte location for a tree.

Posting Period: 03/17/25 - 04/16/25

Public Works Hearing

Notice is hereby given that the Director of Public Works will hold a remote public hearing via teleconference to consider the item(s) listed below and that said public hearing will be held as follows:

DATE:                    March 24, 2025

Time:                     5:30pm