

A banner permit grants permission to temporarily occupy any City-owned utility poles (primarily poles with streetlights but no utility wires) for the purpose of providing notice to residents and visitors of San Francisco about City-sponsored, City-funded, City-wide special events and locations of the City's diverse neighborhoods. Article 5.7 Section 184.78 (PWC) 

Inspection and Enforcement


BSM Inspection and Enforcement Frequently Asked Questions

The Bureau of Street Use and Mapping (BSM) Inspection and Enforcement Division strives to ensure the safe passage of the public right of way through superior and enduring quality inspection, education of both contractors and the public as well as fair enforcement of the public ordinances and permit requirements of the City and County of San Francisco.

Autonomous Delivery Devices

In December 2017, the Board of Supervisors passed Ordinance 244-17 amending the Public Works Code (Section 794) to allow Autonomous Delivery Device (ADD) to operate on City sidewalks for research and development testing. In coordination with other City agencies, Public Works oversees the program and issues permits authorizing the operation of the devices on City sidewalks.