This page is dedicated to the reporting of gifts to San Francisco Public Works. Proposition G, an amendment to the Sunshine Ordinance, places certain conditions on accepting or spending funds by private entities for City functions.
City departments may not accept, direct or influence the spending of any money, goods or services worth more than one hundred dollars in aggregate for any City function unless the department discloses the amount and source of all such funds.
Donor Name and Address | Date of Gift | Gift | Estimated Value | Financial Interest of Donor | Board of Supervisors Approval |
Ocean Avenue Association, 1728 Ocean Ave #154, San Francisco, CA 94112 | January 2020 | Funds associated with planting trees and installing sidewalk gardens around the intersections of Ocean Avenue and Plymouth, Harold, Miramar, and Capitol Avenues. | $15,000 | None | File No. 210463 |