The Public Works Sidewalk Inspection and Repair Program makes it easier and less expensive for property owners to comply with City and State codes that require them to keep their sidewalks free of defects. The program accomplishes this by coordinating large-scale sidewalk improvements, making the process streamlined and efficient for property owners. Proactive sidewalk inspections of all city sidewalks are on a 25-year cycle to get repairs. That means, every 25 years, all city sidewalks are inspected and repaired as part of the program. Sidewalk damage that is the responsibility of city agencies or private utilities is also repaired as part of the program.
- You will receive an informational packet describing how to identify sidewalk defects and make code compliant repairs.
- A sidewalk inspector will survey sidewalks based on pedestrian usage, proximity to MUNI routes, hospitals, schools, etc.: Guidelines for Inspection - Public Works Order 178,884.
- A property owner will receive a notice to repair (NTR), if the sidewalk adjacent to their property is damaged.
- Owner(s) can immediately make the repairs, or will be given the option to take part in a competitively-bid sidewalk contract administered through Public Works.
- Property owners who qualify under economic hardship may apply for a deferred payment plan up to $5,000.
- Assess the sidewalk adjacent to your property.
- Contact a reputable cement contractor if you believe it is damaged and wish to make immediate repairs. Remember, you must obtain a permit from us before repairs can begin.
- If you have been contacted by us as part of the program, participate in the program and we will hire a licensed contractor to make repairs and we will bill you.
Due to the potential for movement or disturbance of survey monument during construction, all monuments within 20 feet of any proposed construction must be located and referenced by a licensed Land Survey or on a Corner Record or Record of Survey prior to any construction taking place. This is to allow for optimal means of positional verification or replacement in the event that the monument is either potentially disturbed or removed by the construction. BSM requires a fee of $3,488 per monument to cover the field and office-related costs of the standard referencing process. Before contacting BSM to do the monument referencing, please fill out and submit an application and required funding at least 2 weeks prior to construction taking place so as to accommodate the need for planning and scheduling a field crew. Monument referencing will be scheduled once both the application and funding have been received. BSM will then notify the applicant once the referencing is complete so that construction may proceed. It is the responsibility of the applicant to inform BSM when construction is complete so that the post construction stage of the referencing may be performed. For additional information go to http://sfpublicworks.org/services/monument-preservation, or email monument.preservation@sfdpw.org
- Good Neighbor Guidelines for Temporary Sidewalk and/or Curb Repair – Public Works Order 177,526
- Price Guide
- Sidewalk Landscaping Guide to Reference Drawings
- Suggestions for Plants for Landscape Installation Fog Belt Zone and Transition and Sunbelt Plant Palettes and Plans.
- Notice to Repair (NTR) Permit Processing Guidelines
- Fee Schedule
- Missing Sewer Vent Covers
Whether you choose to obtain a contractor or have us complete sidewalk repairs, a current price guide will help you get started. For informational purposes only, a list of contractors that routinely provide sidewalk repair services is provided.
For more information or clarification on any of the permit requirements, please contact us at:
San Francisco Public Works • Bureau of Street-Use & Mapping
49 South Van Ness Avenue, Suite 300 • San Francisco, CA 94103
Phone : (628) 271-2000