Residents may call 3-1-1 to make a report, or make an online 311 service request.


What does the law state around blight in San Francisco?

The anti-blight enforcement procedure reduces the number of blighted properties in San Francisco neighborhoods.

A blighted property is one that is under significant deterioration or disrepair. It is a dilapidated building or an abandoned lot that is inadequately maintained and an eyesore in the neighborhood. The ordinance specifically focuses on conditions of blight visible from the street or sidewalk. These properties can attract illegal activities, cause general neighborhood instability, are a public nuisance, and can endanger the health and safety of its residents and neighbors. Enforcement of anti-blight provisions is vital to ensuring the quality of life in San Francisco and the City can take action to rehabilitate these properties.


What is considered blight?

What to look for:

  • Properties with significant overgrown or decayed vegetation, litter and garbage;
  • Buildings or structures that are unpainted or have substantially worn paint;
  • Buildings or structures with graffiti and/or significant amounts of defaced sections, such as illegal postings, advertisements etc.
  • Property where the outdoor area contains rubbish, such as appliances, furniture, machinery, or other debris not commonly stored outdoors; or
  • Property with conditions that present public safety risks, such as structurally compromised building facades, fences, or staircases.


What happens after I make a report?

Public Works, or the appropriate City department, will send an inspector to assess a blighted property to determine if enforcement of the Blight Ordinance is warranted. If violations are found, an action notice will be issued to abate the blighted property. Owners will then have a minimum of 15 days to begin repairs.


What if a property owner does not respond?

We can initiate repairs and bill the property owner. Owners have the right to file an appeal and request a hearing to contest notices of violation.


Did you receive a notice?

  • Look up your Blight Citation for additional information.  (must enter blight citation number)