For all property owners who are interested in undergrounding their utilities within their neighborhood, the Utility Undergrounding Tool Kit provides San Francisco residents with a step-by-step approach to forming a property-owner funded undergrounding utility district. Listed below are the basic steps in the tool kit.
Utility Undergrounding Tool Kit Basic Steps
- Step 1: Determine District Boundaries 1-2 months: District boundaries are determined by the neighborhood committee made up of local residents
- Step 2: Circulate Petition 2-4 months: The neighborhood committee gauges support for the project, collecting signatures and meets with city officials at Public Works.
- Step 3: Legislate Underground District 2-4 months: Once the Neighborhood Committee submits signed petitions to us, there is a public hearing required and then approval by Board of Supervisors for a Utility Undergrounding District.
- Step 4: Form Assessment District 1-2 year: Property owners obtain funding for utility design plan and engineering report.
- Step 5: Construction 1-2 years: We will oversee construction management and neighborhood notifications.
2020 Utility Undergrounding Program Master Workplan Study
The attached report was commissioned by the San Francisco Board of Supervisors in 2018 to provide an analysis of the state of both above-ground and underground utility wires in San Francisco, and to provide a framework for a comprehensive Undergrounding Master Plan, should the City decide to pursue the undergrounding of utility wires in the future.
If ordered and funded by the Board of Supervisors, a Utility Undergrounding Master Plan would be created based on this initial framework and become the City’s guide for future undergrounding of electrical and communication utility lines throughout San Francisco.
This report was produced by Telamon Engineering Consultants, Inc., with input provided by Public Works and the Coalition to Underground Utilities.
For More Information
For more information or clarification on any of the permit requirements, please contact us at:
San Francisco Public Works • Bureau of Street-Use & Mapping
49 South Van Ness Avenue, Suite 300 • San Francisco, CA 94103
Phone : (628) 271-2000