• Street Level View of the Divisadero and Fulton Street Intersection

Western Addition Traffic Signals Project

Project Description

San Francisco Public Works has partnered with SFMTA to upgrade traffic signal infrastructure at 16 intersections in the Western Addition Neighborhood. The scope of work includes wiring, Pedestrian Countdown Signals (PCS), Accessible Pedestrian Signals (APS) pushbuttons, vehicular signal heads, poles and mast-arms, and signal controllers. Additionally, curb ramp work, sidewalk work, curb and gutter work, median work, and local base repair and paving work is included in this contract.

Construction is scheduled to begin at the first intersection in September 2023 with completion anticipated at the last location in June 2025.

The intersections scheduled to receive signal improvements are:

· Fulton Street and Divisadero Street 

· Fulton Street and Steiner Street 

· Fulton Street and Fillmore Street

· Fulton Street and Buchanan Street 

· Fulton Street and Laguna Street

· Golden Gate Avenue and Divisadero Street

· Golden Gate Avenue and Scott Street

· Golden Gate Avenue and Pierce Street

· Golden Gate Avenue and Steiner Street

· Golden Gate Avenue and Fillmore Street

· Golden Gate Avenue and Buchanan Street

· Golden Gate Avenue and Laguna Street

· Golden Gate Avenue / mid-block between Gough St. and Laguna St.

· Laguna Street and Sutter Street

· Laguna Street and Turk Street

· Buchanan Street and Turk Street

The anticipated duration at each intersection will vary depending on the scope of work. Please note, there may be intermittent breaks in activities between the different phases of work.

Transportation Projects
Throughout the Western Addition Neighborhood
District 5
Fall, 2023
Summer, 2025
$7 Million
Project Manager
Chi Iao (628) 271-2738
Project Team

San Francisco Public Works

San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency

Bay Area Lightworks (415) 822-2336

Alex Murillo