19th Avenue (CA Route 1) Combined City Project
Project Update May 20, 2024
*Caltrans has scheduled emergency pavement repair along 19th Avenue begining Wednesday May 29th - Friday May 31, 2024. This work will be in the Northbound lanes only between Sloat and Taraval. (NB far-right lane will remain open to the traveling public)
Segment 2 - 19th Avenue (Noriega Street to Taraval Street) / 10.5 months
Segment 3 - 19th Avenue (Taraval Street to Eucalyptus Drive) / 15.5 months
Segment 4 - 19th Avenue (Eucalyptus Drive to Hollway Avenue) / 7.5 months
- New pedestrian and transit bulbs
- ADA curbramp work at intersections
- Relocation and removal of transit stops to reduce travel time and increase reliability
- Increased visibility of pedestrians and shorten crossing
- Sewer replacement and/or rehabilitation
- Water main replacement work
- AWSS (Auxiliary Water Supply Service) work
- Traffic Signal work
- Roadway Paving (to be completed by Caltrans)
Visit SFMTA for more information about SFMTA's 28 19th Avenue Rapid Transit Project
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Frequently Asked Questions
- What improvements will be made to 19th Avenue?
Part of State Route, 19th Avenue is a major north-south corridor on San Francisco’s west side. The project aims to improve pedestrian safety and Muni efficiency and upgrade aging underground utilities. Work includes water main and sewer main replacement and/or rehabilitation, upgrades to the Emergency Firefighting Water System, street base repairs, installation of new ADA-compliant curb ramps, construction of bulb outs to shorten the crossing distance across 19th Avenue, widening of the sidewalk at bus stops, installation of concrete bus pads and traffic signal improvements. At the end of that work, Caltrans plans to pave the entire stretch, between Lincoln Way on the south end to Holloway Avenue on the north end.
- How long will the project last?
Construction began Nov. 30, 2020 and will continue for 27 months.
- How can I receive ongoing information about this project?
Please sign up for project updates at www.sfpublicworks.org/19th-Avenue.
- Will 19th Avenue be closed during construction?
19th Avenue roadway will remain open. During work hours and only within the active construction zones will traffic be reduced to two-lanes.Work will typically be confined to one lane of 19th Avenue at any given time. Motorists will have full access of the six-lane roadway – three lanes in each direction during off-work hours and weekends.
- Will cross streets be closed during construction?
During work hours, some cross streets may be closed while critical utility work is performed across intersections. In those cases, motorists will be detoured to the next block and then back to 19th Avenue. For instance, if Noriega Street is closed, cars will be diverted to Moraga Street or Ortega Street. Local access always will be maintained for residents living on closed cross streets. Traffic restrictions are in place so that only one cross street will be closed per every five blocks.
- Is there night work or weekend work planned?
Much of the work on this project is planned for daytime hours, Monday through Friday. However, there be some isolated water tie-in connection work that may be scheduled at night. Advance notification will be provided to affected residents. There is no active construction anticipated for weekends at this time.
- Will I have access to my driveway during construction?
Driveway access will be maintained. However, if crews are working in front of your home, please allow extra travel time as crews may need to create a path of travel for your vehicle, including temporarily installing a steel plate for access. Note, during re-construction of concrete bus pads at bus stops, the adjacent driveways may not have access for a period of approximately 10 days as is necessary for the contractor to demolish, excavate and pour the concrete bus pad and allow for proper curing time. The project team will notify any affected residents well in advance of the bus pad work.
- What is the official detour route?
Although there is no full closure of 19th Avenue planned for this project, motorists are encouraged to use alternate routes, depending on your destination. To avoid delays on 19th Avenue due to construction activity, motorists should consider utilizing other major thoroughfares, including, but not limited to, Sunset Boulevard, I-280, State Route 35 Skyline Boulevard, US-101, Franklin Street, Gough Street, Divisadero Street and Van Ness Avenue as alternate routes.
- How will traffic be monitored to minimize delays during construction?
The project team will ensure compliance with traffic control plans and actively monitor traffic conditions during construction. Various metrics will be used to monitor traffic volume, including travel time and traffic queues. Parking Control Officers will be dispatched onsite to mitigate significant travel time and extended traffic queues.
- How are alternate detour routes being monitored?
Detour routes will be monitored by analyzing traffic diversions off 19th Avenue during construction, using travel time, speeds, queues. Adjustments will be implemented in accordance with the approved Traffic Plan.
- How are 19th Avenue bus stops going to be affected during construction?
Bus stops will be affected for various phases of work along the corridor. The Contractor will coordinate with Muni to properly communicate bus stop relocations to transit riders. Members of the public are encouraged to contact 311 if they notice missing signage/notifications for bus stop relocations.
- How was the public informed of this project?
The public was notified by newsletter, mailed notices the project website, electronic mail, local media coverage, project signage, direct contact with community groups and through social media.
- San Francisco Public Works
- San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA)
- San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) - Water and Sewer
- Caltrans (Final Paving)
- JMB Construction, Inc.
Project Engineer, Eoin Condon
(650) 267-5300 Office
(415) 559-2614 Urgent After-Hours