• Overhead view of Alemany Street

Alemany Boulevard Infrastructure Improvements Project

Project Update (November 2020)

San Francisco Public Works is scheduled to repave Alemany Blvd. in the southbound direction between Santa Rosa Avenue and San Juan Avenue. The grinding (removal of existing asphalt from the roadway) and paving phase is scheduled to commence on Monday November 23, 2020 and will take two days to complete. This work is anticipated to only affect traffic in the southbound direction.

Day 1 -- During the grinding phase (removal of existing asphalt from the roadway), access to enter and exit driveways will be maintained, however slight delays should be expected if crews are working on the lane closest to your driveway. Please allow extra travel time. Sidewalks will remain open at all times.

Day 2 – During the paving phase, driveway access may be delayed while crews work on the lane closest to your driveway. The contractor will apply a tack coat (liquid asphalt) to the roadway in advance of the hot asphalt. The tack coat promotes bonding between the concrete street base and the hot asphalt. During application of the tack coat and new asphalt, driveway access may not be available until the asphalt cools-down. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Project Information
San Francisco Public Works and the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission partnered to complete infrastructure improvements along Alemany Boulevard between Congdon Street and Seneca Avenue. Construction began in June 2019 and included sewer main replacement, street base repairs, curb ramp and bulb-out installation, and repaving between Congdon Street and Seneca Avenue. This project also included minor traffic signal work at the Santa Rosa Ave. and Silver Ave. intersections. Work on the project is complete except for the SB direction of the Santa Rosa to San Juan block. 

Due to the median which runs along Alemany Boulevard, most blocks have a sewer main along each side of the street. Depending on the condition of the sewer line, we replaced the sewer main on one side, both sides, or if the existing one was in good condition, we left it in place. 

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The blocks currently scheduled for sewer work are:

  • Alemany Boulevard (Seneca Avenue to Onondaga Avenue) - both sides (completed)
  • Alemany Boulevard (Onondaga Avenue to Ocean Avenue) - west side (completed)
  • Alemany Boulevard (Onondaga Avenue to Leo Street) - east side (completed)
  • Alemany Boulevard (Ocean Avenue to Francis Street) - east side (completed)
  • Alemany Boulevard (San Juan Avenue to Cotter Street) - west side (completed)
  • Alemany Boulevard (Cotter Street intersection) - east side (completed)
  • Alemany Boulevard (Tingley Street to Cayuga and Lamartine Mini Park) - west side (completed)
  • Alemany Boulevard (Silver Avenue to Lyell Street) - east side​ (completed)

The typical sequence of sewer work is to install the main along the block(s) followed by sewer lateral replacement. The sewer laterals are the connection between the sewer main and sidewalk curb. Public Works' engineering team will review video of the sewer laterals to determine which, if any, need to be replaced. If a sewer lateral is determined to be in need of replacement, we'll schedule replacement at this time. 

During Construction
Sewer service will not be interrupted during construction. Please continue your household and business plumbing as usual. 

During sewer replacement, driveway access may be impacted while crews work on your block. Please allow additional travel time to your schedule should crews need to install a plate over the trench and create a path for your vehicle. If crews are working in front of your driveway, please alert them in advance should you need driveway access. Sidewalks will remain open. We appreciate your cooperation and patience during construction. 

Once the sewer work has been completed, crews will begin curb ramp and bulb-out installation. Bulb-outs will be installed at the southeast and northeast corners of the Alemany Blvd. and Silver Avenue intersection. The curb ramp and bulb-out work will be followed by concrete street base replacement/repairs and then repaving. 

Work Hours
Monday to Friday
8 AM to 5 PM
(Weekend work is allowed and may occur as needed) 


Pavement and Sewer Renovation
Alemany Blvd: Congdon Street to Seneca Avenue
Locate on project map
District 11
$6.9 Million
Project Manager
Paul Barradas
Project Team

- SF Public Works
- SF Public Utilities Commission
- D'Arcy & Harty
   Construction, Inc. 
   (415) 822-5200 Office

Alex Murillo