• Photo of Ruth Asawa Origami Fountains

Japantown Buchanan Mall

Japantown’s Buchanan Mall is the pedestrian portion of Buchanan Street that runs for one block between Post and Sutter streets. Along with Peace Plaza, it’s the geographic and cultural heart of the neighborhood. The Mall is paved with a river of cobblestones, connecting two fountain installations, consisting of origami flower forms designed by renowned artist Ruth Asawa, and surrounded by low, circular stone walls. This walkway is lined by restaurants, stores, and cultural institutions on both sides, allowing residents and visitors to experience Japantown’s culture in a pedestrian environment.

Improvements in this space are highly sought after by the community and included in the Japantown Cultural Heritage and Economic Sustainability Strategy (JCHESS) report as a recommended area for improvements. Specific elements highlighted for improvement along the Mall, which was designed in the 1960s, include:

•    Enhance accessibility of the Mall for seniors and people with disabilities and limited mobility

•    Rehabilitate the Ruth Asawa fountains that are iconic to the mall

•    Support the business community by embellishing the sense of cultural authenticity and enhancing the commercial edges of the mall

For additional information on the public outreach and engagement process, please visit the San Francisco Planning Department project website.

This project will be funded through a California state grant administered through the California Natural Resources Agency (CNRA) and the San Francisco County Transportation Authority (SFCTA) Prop AA.


Project Timeline

Planning: Spring 2023 - Fall 2023

Design: Fall 2023 - Fall 2024

Construction: Summer 2025

Buchanan Street between Post and Sutter
District 5
Project Manager
Trent Tieger
Project Team

San Francisco Public Works

San Francisco Planning Department

San Francisco Arts Commission

San Francisco County Transportation Authority

California Natural Resources Agency

Trent Tieger: Trent.Tieger@sfdpw.org
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