Hunters Point, Central Waterfront and Potrero Hill Area Pavement Renovation and Sewer Replacement Project
San Francisco Public Works has contracted with Esquivel Grading and Paving, Inc. to re-pave the roadway, build new curb ramps, and perform sewer work at various locations in San Francisco as part of the Hunters Point, Central Waterfront and Potrero Hill Area Pavement Renovation and Sewer Replacement Project.
All of the blocks listed below have been identified as prime candidates for repaving and street base repair due to their current conditions and amount of wear. Reconstructing these streets now will prevent possible damage and deterioration that may pose future safety risks.
We will also be performing some small-scale sewer work on a handful of these blocks. Most sewer work on this project will be to improve drainage in low laying areas through the construction of new sewer culverts. Work hours will vary by location, however, typical working hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Weekend work is allowed but has not been scheduled at this time.
Street resurfacing work will be taking place on the following blocks. Only those in bold will be receiving sewer work as well:
18th Street from Carolina to Arkansas
Wisconsin Street from 16th to 17th
De Haro Street from 15th to 16th - Paving originally scheduled on 12/9 and 12/10 has been postponed
Rhode Island Street from Mariposa to 18th - Paving originally scheduled on 12/6 has been postponed
Rhode Island Street from 23rd to 24th - Paving originally scheduled on 12/6 has been postponed
25th Street from Utah to Vermont - Paving on originally scheduled 12/9 and 12/10 has been postponed
Minnesota Street from 25th to Cesar Chavez - In Progress
Newcomb Ave from Newhall to 3rd - Complete
Innes Ave from Middle Point to Arelious Walker - Complete
Mendell Street from Cargo to Newhall - Complete
Hunters Point Boulevard from Evans to Hawes - Complete
Northridge Road from Harbor to Jerrold/Dormitory - Complete
Earl Street from Kirkwood to Jerrold - Complete
Kirkwood Avenue from Earl to La Salle - In Progress
Construction Updates
2/26/25: Re-Paving Taking Place on Newcomb Avenue and Mendell Street Taking Place Next Week.
Next Thursday, March 6th and Friday, March 7th, we will be re-paving Newcomb Avenue between 3rd Street and Newhall Street, as well as Mendell Street between Newhall Street and Cargo Way. On Thursday the 6th, we will grind away the existing asphalt roadway surface of both of these streets. On Friday the 7th we will apply new asphalt to the roadway of both blocks.
2/19/25: Street Base Reconstruction and Re-Paving Taking Place on Innes Avenue and Hunters Point Boulevard Next Week.
Next Monday, February 24th through Wednesday, February 26th, we will be reconstructing the concrete street base on Hunters Point Blvd between Evans and Innes, as well as Innes Ave between Middle Point and Arelious Walker. Then, once street base construction is complete, we will re-pave the entirety of both streets on Thursday, February 27th and Friday, February 28th.
2/4/25: Roadway reconstruction near newly-constructed curb ramps on Rhode Island Street, Minnesota Street and Wisconsin Street starting on Monday, February 10th
This work will start at the following locations on February10th:
- The northeast corner and southwest corner of the Rhode Island Street and Mariposa Street intersection.
- Both corners of the Wisconsin Street and Madera Street intersection.
- The northwest corner and northeast corner of the Minnesota Street and 26th Street intersection.
- The northwest corner and northeast corner of the Minnesota Street and Cesar Chavez Street intersection.
1/24/25: Sidewalk and driveway reconstruction work at the intersection of Kirkwood Avenue and Albatross Court starting on Tuesday, January 28th
This work is expected to take roughly two weeks to complete. Driveway reconstruction will be performed in two phases in order to maintain access to the driveway throughout the entire construction period.
1/13/25: Sidewalk reconstruction and curb ramp construction work on Hunters Point Blvd and Innes Avenue starting on Tuesday, January 14th
This work will be taking place at multiple locations along Hunters Point Blvd and Innes Avenue and take approximately 3 weeks to complete.
Work will start at the following locations on January 14th:
- The southeast corner of Hunters Point Boulevard and Hawes Street.
- The south and soutwest corners of Hunters Point Boulevard, Hawes Street and Hudson Street.
- The northeast and southwest corners of Innes Avenue and Hawes Street.
- The southeast corner of Innes Avenue and Griffith Street.
Some of these intersections are near entrances to the newly-completed India Basin Shoreline Park. Access to both entrances will be maintained at all times during construction. Once construction at the above locations is complete, crews will begin working at adjacent corners of these same intersections. Then, they will begin reconstructing the roadway on Griffith Street, Innes Avenue and Hunters Point Boulevard. Nearby residents and businesses will receive additional notice prior to the start of this work.
12/3/24: Street re-paving on De Haro Street, Mendell Street, 25th Street and Rhode Island Street Has Been Postponed. It will be taking place in mid to late December, exact dates to be determined.
11/26/24: Street re-paving on De Haro Street, Mendell Street, 25th Street and Rhode Island Street Starting in Early December
Starting next Friday, December 6th, our crews will be re-paving two blocks of Rhode Island Street: between Mariposa Street and 18th Street, and between 23rd Street and 24th Street. This work will take one day in total to complete.
Then, on Monday, December 9th and Tuesday, December 10th, they will be re-paving all of the following blocks:
- De Haro Street between 15th Street and 16th Street
- Mendell Street between Newhall Street and Cargo Way
- 25th Street between Utah Street and Vermont Street
Paving on all three of the blocks listed above is expected to take two workdays in total to complete.
10/21/24: UPDATE: Sewer work at the intersection of Griffith Street and Innes Avenue has been postoned. It will now begin on Thursday, October 30.
10/16/24: Starting next Monday, October 21st, we will be performing sewer work at the intersection of Griffith Street and Innes Avenue.
Specifically, we will be constructing two new sewer culverts at this intersection. These will connect the sewer system to the new storm drains we will be installing at the southwest and southeast corners of this intersection. Once these culverts are built, we will be constructing 6 new, ADA-compliant curb ramps at this intersection - 2 at each of the northeast, southeast and southwest corners. In total, we expect this work to take about 4 to 5 weeks to complete.
Once all sewer and curb ramp work is complete, we will rebuild small portions of the concrete street base near the newly built curb ramps and sewer infrastructure. After this work is complete, we will be performing additional roadway reconstruction on Innes Avenue from Ingalls Street to Arelous Walker Drive. Additional notice will be given prior to this work.
9/17/24: Street base reconstruction and re-paving on Earl Street, Kirkwood Avenue and Northridge Road has been postponed. It will now start on Monday, September 30th.
9/11/24: Street base reconstruction and re-paving on Earl Street, Kirkwood Avenue and Northridge Road starting on Monday, September 16th.
Starting next Monday, September 16th, our crews will begin repairing damaged portions of the concrete street base on the following streets:
- Earl Street from Kirkwood to Jerrold
- Kirkwood Avenue from Earl to La Salle
- Northridge Road from Harbor to Jerrold/Dormitory
We expect this work to take roughly 7 to 10 working days to complete in total. After all street base reconstruction work is complete, all three blocks will be fully re-paved. Additional notice will be provided one re-paving work is scheduled.
8/23/24: Sewer culvert construction at the intersection of Minnesota Street and 26th Street is starting on Monday, August 26th.
In total, we expect this work to take 1 week to complete. After sewer work is complete, we will be fully re-constructing the concrete street base and asphalt pavement on Minnesota Street between 25th Street and Cesar Chavez Street. Additional notice will be given prior to this work.
8/5/24: Sewer Main Replacement on Hawes Street between Hunters Point Boulevard and Innes Avenue is starting on Monday, August 12th.
7/26/24: Sewer Work at the Intersection of Rhode Island Street and 23rd Street is starting on Monday, August 5th.
Starting Monday, August 5th, our contractor will be constructing a new sewer culvert at the 23rd Street and Rhode Island Street instersection. This sewer culvert will connect the existing sewer to a new catch basin, which we will be installing at the intersection afterward. Once this sewer work is complete, we will be constructing four new, ADA-compliant curb ramps at this intersection - two at the northeast corner and two at the southeast corner.
Then, we will be reconstructing a portion of the concrete street base on Rhode Island Street between 23rd Street and 24th Street. Once this work is complete, we will fully re-pave the block. Additional notice will be given prior to re-paving work.
7/11/24: Sewer Main Replacement on 25th Street between Utah Street and Vermont Street is starting on Monday, July 29th.
Starting Monday, July 29th, our contractor will be replacing a portion of the sewer main on 25th Street between Utah Street and Vermont Street. Specifically, they will be repairing a section of the sewer main in front of 2501, 2516, 2518, 2527 and 2529 25th Street, roughly in the middle of the block. Once the sewer main is replaced, we will then inspect the block's sewer laterals and replace them on an as-needed basis. Sewer laterals are what connect household plumbing to the sewer main. In total, we expect sewer work to take 2 weeks to complete on this block. Once all sewer work is complete on this block, it will be fully re-paved. Additional notice will be given prior to re-paving work.
San Francisco Public Works
Esquivel Grading and Paving, Inc.