Various Locations Pavement Renovation and Sewer Replacement No. 57
Project Update November through December 2023
Seasons Greetings Neighbors and Friends
Our contractor is scheduled to do pavement restoration on Genoa Place (Filbert to Union) sometime between 12/4 and 12/6, weather dependent. This street calls for concrete pavement, which will require about a 7-day cure time once fully placed. During the curing time, Genoa Place will remain closed to vehicular traffic and Varennes Street will be converted into a reversable lane during the weekdays and times as before. For additional questions and coordination please contact Public Works at 628-271-2245.
San Francisco Public Works has contracted with Michael O’Shaughnessy Construction, Inc. to install new sewer utilities and renovate the roadway at various locations in San Francisco District 3 and District 4 as part of the Various Locations Pavement Renovation and Sewer Replacement No. 57 (VL57) Project.
Work locations include: |
11th Avenue – Irving Street to Judah Street - Completed |
16th Avenue – Irving Street to Kirkham Street - Completed |
17th Avenue – Judah Street to Kirkham Street - under construction |
21st Avenue – Irving Street to Judah Street - |
25th Avenue – Irving Street to Judah Street - under construction |
25th Avenue – Lawton Street to Moraga Street - Starts in December 2023 |
30th Avenue – Irving to Judah Street - Completed |
33rd Avenue – Lincoln Avenue to Judah Street - Starts Fall 2023 |
40th Avenue – Irving Street to Judah Street - Completed |
40th Avenue – Kirkham Street to Lawton Street - Completed |
46th Avenue – Lincoln Avenue to Irving Street - Starts Fall 2023 |
47th Avenue – Kirkham Street to Lawton Street - Starts Fall 2023 |
Child Street – Lombard Street to Greenwich Street |
Dunnes Alley – Kearny Street to End - Completed |
Edgardo Place – End to Grant Avenue |
Genoa Place – Filbert Street to Union Street - Starts Fall 2023 |
Kramer Place – Greenwich Street to End - Starts September 2023 |
La Playa – Judah Street to Kirkham Street - Starts Fall 2023 |
Lawton Street – 25th Avenue to 20th Avenue - Starts in August 2023 |
Montague Place – End to Montgomery Street - Completed |
Moraga Street – 25th Avenue to 23rd Avenue - Starts in October 2023 |
Sacramento Street – Front Street to Drumm Street |
Telegraph Place – Child Street to End - Completed |
Vallejo Street – Sansome Street to Davis Street |
Venard Alley – Chestnut to End - Completed |
Work will consist of pavement renovation, sewer replacement, curb ramp construction, AWSS work, traffic control, and all related work. Sewer work will involve some street excavation to install new utilities and will be followed by pavement renovation (i.e. grinding and paving) activity once all utility work is complete. No interruption of sewer service is expected during construction. There may be a delay between utility work and final roadway renovation activity.
The typical sequence of sewer work is to install the new sewer main along the block(s) followed by sewer lateral replacement. Once the sewer main has been installed, Public Works’ engineering team will review video of the sewer laterals to determine which, if any, need to be replaced. The sewer laterals are the connection between the main and the sidewalk/curb. Crews will then schedule the sewer lateral replacement work. Sewer laterals are replaced on an as-needed basis depending on the condition of the existing line. Sewer service will not be interrupted during construction. Please continue to use your household/business plumbing as usual.
During construction, traffic control will be implemented and "No Parking/Tow Away Zone" signs will be posted in active work areas. Local access for residents, deliveries and emergency services will be provided at all times during work hours. Please limit your use of the roadways within the construction work areas during working hours for the safety of the public and our employees, and to park in driveways or on adjacent blocks when No Parking Zones are posted. Should you need access to your property during work hours, please alert a crew member on site and note that there may be a slight delay to enter or exit your property to allow for crews to create a safe path of travel. Please follow instructions from crew members and follow all posted detour signs.
(*Please note: Construction schedules, dates and durations are estimates subject to change due to rain, equipment breakdown, unforeseen field conditions, existing utility conflicts, crew availability, or early/delayed completion of work at a prior location.)