Various Locations Pavement Renovation and Sewer Replacement No. 59
San Francisco Public Works has contracted with Michael O’Shaughnessy Construction Inc. to install new sewer utilities and renovate the roadway at various locations in San Francisco as part of the Various Locations Pavement Renovation and Sewer Replacement Project No. 59 (VL59). We will be performing this work in the Central Bayview, Twin Peaks, Eureka Valley and Duboce Park neighborhoods.
We have inspected the sewer facilities of all the blocks listed below, and will be replacing those that we found to be cracked and/or broken. Replacing these pipes now will prevent possible collapse of the sewer mains and pavement in the future. Sewer service will not be interrupted during the construction. Pavement Renovation and Sewer replacement work will occur between September 2023 and September 2024.
This project will include sewer main replacement, curb ramp installation, street base repairs and repaving. Work hours will vary by location, however, typical working hours are 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Weekend work is allowed but has not been scheduled at this time.
Street resurfacing work will be taking place on the following blocks. Only those in bold will be receiving sewer work as well:
Phelps Street from Newcomb to La Salle - Complete
Phelps Street from La Salle to Fairfax - Complete
McKinnon Avenue from Phelps to 3rd - Complete
Oakdale Avenue from Phelps to Newhall - Complete
Oakdale Avenue from Newhall to 3rd - Complete
Quint Street from Oakdale to Newcomb - Complete
Underwood Avenue from Jennings to Ingalls - Complete
Shafter Avenue from Industrial to end - Complete
Burnett Avenue from Twin Peaks to Hopkins - Complete
Burnett Avenue from Danview to Crestline - Complete
Graystone Terrace from Iron Alley to Corbett - Complete
Corbett Avenue from Clayton to Mars - Complete
Douglass Street from 21st to 22nd - Complete
19th Street from Yukon to Douglass - Complete
19th Street from Collingwood to Castro - Complete
Collingwood Street from 18th to 19th - Complete
15th Street from Market to Church - Complete
States Street from Levant to Castro - Complete
Levant Street from States to Lower Terrace - Complete
Ord Street from Ord Court to Saturn Street Stairway - Complete
Ord Street from Saturn Street Stairway to 17th - Complete
Ord Street from 17th to Corbett - Complete
Construction Updates
7/19/24: We have reached substantial completion on this project. This means that all planned paving, sewer, curb ramp and sidewalk has been completed, and we are now entering the closeout phase of the project. During the closeout phase, all work is re-inspected and minor fixes are performed by our contractor wherever necessary.
5/30/24: On Tuesday, June 4th and Wednesday, June 5th, we will be re-paving Underwood Avenue from Jennings Street to Ingalls Street as well as McKinnon Avenue between Phelps Street and 3rd Street. The first step of this work is to grind away the existing asphalt roadway surface. Then, we will re-apply 2 new inches of asphalt to the roadway. We will be working on McKinnon Avenue on June 4th and on Underwood Avenue on June 5th. This work should take roughly two full workdays to complete - one day per block - barring any unforeseen circumstances or inclement weather.
5/22/24: On Thursday, May 30th and Friday, May 31st, we will be re-paving Oakdale Avenue from Phelps Street to Newhall Street The first step of this work is to grind away the existing asphalt roadway surface. Then, we will re-apply 2 new inches of asphalt to the roadway. This work should take roughly two full workdays to complete barring any unforeseen circumstances or inclement weather.
5/13/24: On Thursday, May 16th and Friday, May 17th, we will be re-paving Quint Street from Oakdale Avenue to Newcomb Avenue. We will also be paving Phelps Street from Jerrold Avenue to Innes Avenue and from Galvez Avenue to Fairfax Avenue. The first step of this work is to grind away the existing asphalt roadway surface. Then, we will re-apply 2 new inches of asphalt to the roadway. This work should take roughly two full workdays to complete barring any unforeseen circumstances or inclement weather.
5/9/24: WEEKEND WORK: On Saturday, May 11th, we will be constructing 2 new speed humps on 19th Street and 2 on Levant Street. This work is expected to take one day in total to complete, with each speed hump taking roughly two hours to construct. Specifically, the speed humps on 19th Street will be constructed between Yukon Street and Clover Lane, in front of 4621 and 4660 19th Street. The speed humps on Levant Street will be constructed between States Street and Lower Terrace, in front of 30 Levant and 66 Levant. Street closures are not expected during the course of this work, however there will be minimial restrictions to on street parking in areas immediately next to speed hump construction sites.
5/7/24: On Thursday, May 16th and Friday, May 17th, we will be re-paving Shafter Avenue from Industrial Street to the end of the roadway. The first step of this work is to grind away the existing asphalt roadway surface. Then, we will re-apply 2 new inches of asphalt to the roadway. This work should take roughly two full workdays to complete barring any unforeseen circumstances or inclement weather.
5/1/24: On Monday, May 6th through Wednesday, May 8th, we will be re-paving Burnett Avenue between Twin Peaks Boulevard and Hopkins Avenue, Burnett Avenue between Danview and Crestline, and Graystone Terrace from Iron Alley to Corbett Avenue. The first step of this work is to grind away the existing asphalt roadway surface. Then, we will re-apply 2 new inches of asphalt to the roadway. This work should take roughly three full workdays to complete barring any unforeseen circumstances or inclement weather.
4/24/24: On Monday, April 29th, we will begin sewer main replacement work on Underwood Avenue between Jennings Street and Ingalls Street. Once we install the sewer main on this block, we will then replace any damaged sewer laterals, which are the smaller pipes that run perpendicular to the curb and connect the sewer main with household plumbing systems. We expect this work to take about 3 to 4 weeks to complete, barring any unforeseen circumstances.After work on this block is complete, we will then re-pave the entire block. Note: this work will not interrupt plumbing service, and you can continue to use your household plumbing normally throughout this project. During construction, all on-street parking and through traffic will be prohibited on this block. Local access to residents of Underwood Avenue will remain throughout the project.
4/2/24: On Monday, April 8th through Wednesday, April 10th, we will be re-paving Douglass Street, 19th Street and Corbett Avenue. Work will progress as follows:
Monday 4/8: Grind and re-pave Douglass Street from 21st Street to 22nd Street. Grind 19th Street from Yukon Street to Douglass Street.
Tuesday 4/9: Re-pave 19th Street from Yukon Street to Douglass Street. Grind Corbett Avenue from Mars Street to Clayton Street.
Wednesday 4/10: Re-pave Corbett Avenue from Mars Street to Clayton Street.
3/25/24: On Monday, April 1st and Tuesday, April 2nd, 19th Street between Collingwood and Castro as well as Collingwood Street between 18th and 19th Streets will be re-paved. The first step of this work is to grind away the existing asphalt roadway surface, which will take place on Monday, April 1st. Then, we will re-apply 2 new inches of asphalt to the roadway on Tuesday, April 2nd. This work should take roughly two full workdays to complete barring any unforeseen circumstances or inclement weather.
3/11/24: On Monday, March 18th, we will begin working on 19th Street between Collingwood and Castro, as well as Collingwood Street between 18th and 19th Streets. The first step of this work will be some spot repairs to the sewer main on Collingwood between 18th and 19th, specifically in front of 157, 163 and 195 Collingwood Street, Once this sewer work is complete, we will reconstruct the concrete street base on 19th Street between Collingwood and Castro. The final phase of this work will be to re-pave the entire area - 19th from Collingwood and Castro and Collingwood between 18th and 19th. In total, we expect this work to take 3 to 4 weeks to complete. Note: this work will not interrupt plumbing service, and you can continue to use your household plumbing normally throughout this project. During construction, all on-street parking and through traffic will be prohibited on this block. Local access to residents of the area will remain throughout the project.
3/11/24: On Monday, March 18th, we will begin sewer main replacement work on Oakdale Avenue between Phelps Street and 3rd Street. Once we install the sewer main on this block, we will then replace any damaged sewer laterals, which are the smaller pipes that run perpendicular to the curb and connect the sewer main with household plumbing systems. We expect this work to take about 3 to 4 weeks to complete, barring any unforeseen circumstances.After work on this block is complete, we will then re-pave the entire block. Note: this work will not interrupt plumbing service, and you can continue to use your household plumbing normally throughout this project. During construction, all on-street parking and through traffic will be prohibited on this block. Local access to residents of Oakdale Avenue will remain throughout the project.
2/29/24: On Monday, March 4th, we will begin sewer main replacement work on Phelps Street between Newcomb Avenue and La Salle Avenue . Once we install the sewer main on these blocks, we will then replace any damaged sewer laterals, which are the smaller pipes that run perpendicular to the curb and connect the sewer main with household plumbing systems. We expect this work to take about 2 to 3 weeks to complete, barring any unforeseen circumstances.After sewer work on this block is complete, we will then construct 12 new ADA-compliant curb ramps - 6 at the intersection of Phelps and La Salle, and another 6 at the intersection of Phelps and McKinnon. The final phase of this work will be to re-pave the entire two-block stretch of Phelps. In total, we expect this work to take 6 to 7 weeks to complete. Note: this work will not interrupt plumbing service, and you can continue to use your household plumbing normally throughout this project. During construction, all on-street parking and through traffic will be prohibited on this block. Local access to residents of Corbett Avenue will remain throughout the project.
2/28/24: On Monday, March 4th through Friday, March 8th, we will paving the following blocks: States Street from Levant Street to Castro Street, Ord Street from Ord Court to Corbett Street, 15th Street from Market Street to Church Street, and Levant Street from States Street to Lower Terrace. The Daily Schedule will be as follows:
Monday, March 4th: Grind States Street from Levant Street intersection to 121 States Street, re-pave from Levant Street to 253 States Street.
Tuesday, March 5th: Re-pave States Street from 253 States Street to 121 States Street. Grind States Street from 121 States Street to Castro Street intersection.
Wednesday, March 6th: Re-pave States Street from 121 States Street to Castro Street intersection.
Wednesday, March 6th: Grind 15th Street from Market Street to Castro Street
Thursday, March 7th: Re-pave 15th Street from Market Street to Castro Street.
Friday, March 8th: Grind and re-pave Ord Street from Ord Court to Corbett Street.
Friday, March 8th: Grind and re-pave Levant Street from States Street to Lower Terrace.
UPDATE: Due to rainy weather, we must postpone paving work on States Street, Levant Street, Ord Street and 15th Street until further notice. It was initially scheduled to begin on February 1st.
1/23/24: Starting on Thursday, February 1st, our paving contractor will begin re-paving States Street from Levant to Castro, Levant Street from States to Lower Terrace, Ord Street from Ord Court to Corbett, and 15th Street from Market to Church. The first step of this work is to grind away the existing asphalt roadway surface. Then, we will re-apply 2 new inches of asphalt to the roadway. This work should take roughly two weeks to complete barring any unforeseen circumstances or inclement weather.
1/8/24: On Tuesday, January 16th, we will begin sewer main replacement work on Corbett Avenue between Mars Street and Clayton Street. Once we install the sewer main on this block, we will then replace any damaged sewer laterals, which are the smaller pipes that run perpendicular to the curb and connect the sewer main with household plumbing systems. We expect this work to take about 5 to 6 weeks to complete, barring any unforeseen circumstances.After work on this block is complete, we will then re-pave the entire block. Note: this work will not interrupt plumbing service, and you can continue to use your household plumbing normally throughout this project. During construction, all on-street parking and through traffic will be prohibited on this block. Local access to residents of Corbett Avenue will remain throughout the project.
On Friday, January 12th, we will begin constructing new, ADA-compliant curb ramps at two locations on Burnett Avenue - at Dixie Alley and at Glenview Drive. Work at both locations should take roughly to weeks to complete, barring any unforeseen circumstances. A few weeks after this work is complete, we will come back and re-pave all of Burnett Avenue from Twin Peaks Boulevard to Dawnview Way. Residents of this area will receive additional notice in the weeks leading up to this paving work.
11/27/23: On Monday, December 4th, we will begin sewer main replacement work on 19th Street between Douglass Street and Douglass Street. Once we install the sewer main on this block, we will then replace any damaged sewer laterals, which are the smaller pipes that run perpendicular to the curb and connect the sewer main with household plumbing systems. We expect this work to take about 5 to 6 weeks to complete, barring any unforeseen circumstances.After work on this block is complete, we will then re-pave the entire block. Note: this work will not interrupt plumbing service, and you can continue to use your household plumbing normally throughout this project. During construction, all on-street parking and through traffic will be prohibited on this block. Local access to residents of 19th Street will remain throughout the project.
11/27/23: On Monday, December 4th, we will begin constructing new, ADA-compliant curb ramps at the intersection of States Street and Levant Street. We will also be constructing curb ramps mid-block on States Street between Levant Street and Castro Street. We expect work at these two locations to take roughly one week to complete. Street and sidewalk access will be maintained at all times throughoug this project, but some street parking restrictions will be in place during construction. A few weeks after this work is complete, we will be re-paving the entire block of States Street from Levant Street to Castro Street.
11/17/23: On Monday, November 27th, we will begin sewer main replacement work on Ord Street between 17th Street and the Saturn Street Stairway. Once we install the sewer main on this block, we will then replace any damaged sewer laterals, which are the smaller pipes that run perpendicular to the curb and connect the sewer main with household plumbing systems. We expect this work to take about 2 to 3 weeks to complete, barring any unforeseen circumstances.After work on this block is complete, we will then re-pave the entire block. Note: this work will not interrupt plumbing service, and you can continue to use your household plumbing normally throughout this project. During construction, all on-street parking and through traffic will be prohibited on this block. Local access to residents of Ord Street will remain throughout the project.
On Monday, November 27th, we will begin curb ramp construction work at the intersection of Sharon Street and 15th Street. The scope of work for this project includes the construction of two new curb ramps across Sharon Street as well as the reconstruction of nearby portions of the sidewalk and curb lane. We expect this work to tke about two weeks to complete barring any unforeseen circumstances, equipment issues, or weather issues.
San Francisco Public Works
Michael O'Shaughnessy Construction Inc.