Various Locations Pavement Renovation and Sewer Replacement No. 61
San Francisco Public Works has hired Michael O’Shaughnessy Construction to install new sewer utilities and renovate the roadway as a part of the Various Locations Pavement Renovation and Sewer Replacement Project No. 61 (VL61). We will be performing this work throughout the city. Our collaboration aims to reduce public inconvenience by efficiently coordinating our efforts whenever possible.
We have inspected the sewer facilities of all the blocks listed below and will be replacing those that we found to be cracked and/or broken. Replacing these pipes now will prevent possible collapse of the sewer mains and pavement in the future. Sewer service will not be interrupted during the construction.
This project will include sewer main replacement, street base repairs and repaving. Work hours will vary by location; however, typical working hours are 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Weekend work is allowed but has not been scheduled at this time.
9/20 UPDATE: All work on the eastern half of Bridgeview Drive has been completed. We will now begin the same process on the west side of the block, with work expected to start on September 23, 2024. During this period, driveways on the west side will be inaccessible. The work is estimated to take about seven business days, and each newly poured section of the road will remain closed for approximately 10 days to allow the concrete to cure and support vehicle traffic. The contractor will invert the barriers/barricades at the driveways on the 8th business day to provide access however the traffic lane will remain closed for approximately 10 days.
Street resurfacing work will be taking place on the following blocks. Only those in bold will be receiving sewer work as well:
Bridgeview Drive – Topeka Avenue to Apollo Street
San Bruno Avenue- Silver Avenue to Gaven Street
Barneveld Ave – Gaven Street to Rickard Street
Brazil Avenue- Munich Street to Naples Stret
Carter Street- Geneva Avenue to end
Olmstead Street- Coby Street to Darmouth Street
Brussels street- Weyland Street to Woolsey Street
Schwerin Street- Kelloch Avenue to End
Desmond Street- Sunnydale to end
Rutland street- Tucker Avenue – Tioga Avenue
Geottingen Street – Alpha Street to Harkness Avenue
Girard Street- Alpha Street to Mansell Street
Wheeler Avenue – Lathrop Avenue to Blanken Avenue
Peninsula Avenue to End
Jennings Street- Jamestown Avenue to Bancroft Avenue
Hollister Avenue- Hawes to 3rd Street (Starts in February)
Ingerson Avenue
Hawes Street- Egbert Avenue to Fitzgerald Avenue
Ingalls Street – Egbert to Fitzgerald Avenue
Bancroft Avenue- Jennings Street to Ingalis Street
Keith Street- Armstrong Avenue to Wallace Avenue
San Francisco Public Works
San Francisco Public Utilities Commision
Michael O’Shaughnessy Construction, Inc. (415) 799-7043 Office, (415) 909-0742 After-Hours/Urgent