Better Market Street
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A renewed Market Street will anchor multiple downtown neighborhoods and link public open spaces. It will also connect the city’s Civic Center with cultural, social, convention, tourism, and retail destinations, as well as the Salesforce Transit Center, the regional transit hub. The vision is to make Market Street a place where people will want to stop and spend time, meet friends, people-watch while sitting in a café, or just stroll and take in the urban scene.
The Better Market Street Project includes a complete makeover of 2.2 miles of Market Street, from Steuart Street to Octavia Boulevard. In addition to addressing key safety needs, the multi-agency project will replace and upgrade aging infrastructure including traffic signals, streetlights, streetcar tracks, BART grates, overhead wires and underground utilities while also repaving the roadway from curb to curb. These renovations will improve the speed and reliability of surface Muni service. Additionally, the Better Market Street plan will ensure that all transit stops, curb ramps and paving meet current Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards.
The project will be constructed in multiple phases, with construction on the first phase, Market Street between Fifth and Eighth streets, anticipated to begin in late-2022. The Phase 1 Contract will include traffic signal upgrades, repaving the curb lane and intersections, constructing ADA-compliant curb ramps and four curb bulb-outs, new sidewalk pavers at multiple corners and streetscape improvements including new trees, benches and bicycle racks.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic's severe impact on the project's budget, some design elements, such as sidewalk replacement, relocation of the Path of Gold light poles, and relocation of the curb line will be deferred. Priority has been given to the most critical infrastructure repairs, replacement, and improvements that cannot be postponed. This also will help us mitigate construction impacts and disruption to local businesses as they work to recover from the pandemic's impacts.
San Francisco Public Works is leading the project in collaboration with the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency and San Francisco Public Utilities Commission. Other City agencies involved include the Department of Technology, SF Planning, the San Francisco County Transportation Authority, the Mayor’s Office on Disability and the Office of Workforce and Economic Development.
On Oct. 10, 2019, the San Francisco Planning Commission voted unanimously to approve and certify the project’s Environmental Impact Report (EIR); on Oct. 11, 2019, San Francisco Public Works held a hearing to accept comment on the Public Works Director's Order approving the project; and on Oct. 15, 2019, the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency’s Board of Directors passed a unanimous vote approving the project.
In early 2020, project partner SFMTA implemented Quick Build enhancements that made Market Street a car-free zone east of 10th Street; added 100 new passenger and commercial loading zones on cross streets; extended center Muni-only lanes; provided new painted safety zones and bicycle safety improvements at multiple intersections along the corridor.
For further information, please visit
Project Updates:
We're excited to announce that all sidewalk, curb ramp, roadway, electrical, traffic signal and streetscape improvement work within the Better Market Street Phase 1 project area - Market Street between 5th Street and 8th Street - were completed as of Thursday, February 27th. Today, crossing distances are shorter for pedestrians, new trees line the sidewalks, the roadway is smoother and traffic signals are more visible to enhance safety.
Over the next few months, we will complete a series of smaller "punch list" tasks to round out Phase 1 construction and complete the project. Impacts to the public right of way during this work will be minimal, and no lane or sidewalk closures will be needed.
With the completion of all large-scale construction within the Phase 1 project area, we are now able to fully re-open Market Street to bicycles. Cyclists no longer will need to detour off of Market Street in the inbound or outbound directions.
This week our crews returned to Market Street between 5th Street and 8th Street and resumed construction on Better Market Street Phase 1. Throughout the holiday season, we paused all construction and removed construction materials from the site to minimize our project's impact to local businesses, theaters, residents, tourists and commuters.
The remaining work in phase 1 mostly includes re-constructing the sidewalks at the northeast corner of Market Street, Mason Street and Turk Street intersection as well as the northeast and southwest corners of the Market Street, 6th Street, Golden Gate Avenue and Taylor Street intersection.
A new crosswalk is now open between the Main Library and the Orpheum Theater at the Market Street, 8th Street, Grove Street and Hyde Street intersection. A small island on the northeast corner is also being built to protect bicyclists as they wait to turn onto westbound Grove Street.
We expect to finish construction in early 2025.
As a reminder, bicycle detour routes in both the inbound and outbound directions are back in place now that construction has resumed.
Happy Holidays from the Better Market Street Project Team!
Thank you for your continued interest in this project and for your patience with us as we perform these crucial improvements to one of San Francisco’s most important corridors. We hope you and your families have a joyful and relaxing holiday season.
As some of you may have already noticed, we recently paused construction in the phase 1 project area between 5th and 8th streets, and removed construction materials and barricades from the area. We will continue this pause through the holiday season, and resume work after New Year's Day.
This pause in construction will minimize impact to local businesses, theaters, residents, tourists and commuters during this especially busy time of year. Cyclists are again able to ride continuously along Market Street. Over the next few weeks, our project team will be gearing up and strategizing for the final few weeks of construction.
Throughout October and November 2024, our crews re-paved all 6 intersections in the phase 1 project area, planted new street trees, and nearly completed sidewalk restoration work.
The remaining work in phase 1 mostly includes re-constructing the sidewalks at the northeast corner of Market Street, Turk Street and Mason Street intersection as well as the southwest and northeast corners Market Street, 6th Street, Golden Gate Avenue and Taylor Street intersection. We expect to finish construction in early 2025.
Re-Paving at the 8th Street Intersection This Weekend
On Saturday, October 26th, we will be re-paving the intersection of Market Street, 8th Street, Hyde Street and Grove Street. This work will be taking place in all areas of the intersection other than the red Muni lanes at the center of the roadway.
That same day we will be re-paving the mid-block crosswalk on Market Street between 7th Street and 8th Street near UN Plaza. There will also be a small section of roadway re-paved near the southeast corner of the Market Street, McAllister Street and Jones Street intersection.
In the coming weeks, we will be replacing concrete street base and re-paving at the following intersections:
- The Market Street, 6th Street, Golden gate Avenue and Taylor Street intersection.
- The northern portion of the Market Street, Turk Street and Mason Street intersection.
Street Base Repair and Re-Paving Continuing at 6th Street and 8th Street Intersections
This coming week, we will be finishing street base repair work at the Market Street, 8th Street, Grove Street, and Hyde Street intersection. Once that street base work is complete, our crews will begin performing the same work at two new locations:
- The Market Street, 6th Street, Golden Gate Avenue and Taylor Street intersection.
- The northern portion of the Market Street, Turk Street and Mason Street intersection.
We expect street base work at these two intersections to be complete during the week of October 28th.
Once we complete the street base work at these intersections, we will re-pave them with a brand-new asphalt roadway surface.
- The Market Street, 8th Street, Grove Street and Hyde Street intersection will be re-paved on Saturday, October 26th.
- The Market Street, 6th Street, Golden gate Avenue and Taylor Street intersection will be re-paved on Saturday, November 2nd.
- The northern portion of the Market Street, Turk Street and Mason Street intersection will be re-paved on Saturday, November 2nd.
Curb, Gutter, Curb Ramp and Sidewalk Work
While we perform street base and re-paving work, we are also continuing with granite curb installation, curb ramp construction and sidewalk work.
Currently, we are wrapping up sidewalk work at the corner of Market Street and Hyde Street outside of the Orpheum Theater.
At the corner of Market Street and Taylor Street, we recently completed reconstruction of the granite curb and gutter, and will be starting sidewalk restoration this coming week.
At the southwest corner of Market Street and 6th Street, we have installed a new Overhead Catenary System (OCS) pole and will begin reconstruction of this corner's granite curb and gutter this coming week.
Street Base Repair and Re-Paving at Two Locations This Week
Starting Monday, October 7th, we will be performing concrete street base repair and re-paving at the following streets and intersections
- The Market Street, 5th Street and Cyril Magnin Street intersection.
- Market Street between 7th Street and McAllister/Jones Streets.
We expect this work to take 6 days to complete, and crews will be working on Saturday, October 12th. Specifically, street base reconstruction will be taking place Monday through Friday, and re-paving will be taking place on Saturday.
Street Base Repair and Re-Paving Starting Monday, September 30th.
Starting next Monday, our crews will be re-constructing the roadway at all intersections within the Better Market Street Phase 1 project area. This includes:
- The Market Street, 5th Street and Cyril Magnin Street intersection
- The Market Street, Mason Street and Turk Street intersection
- The Market Street, 6th Street, Golden Gate Avenue and Taylor Street intersection
- The Market Street, McAllister Street and Jones Street intersection
- The Market Street, 7th Street and Charles J Brenham Street intersection
- The Market Street, 8th Street, Hyde Street and Grove Street intersection
We will also be working on the block between 7th Street and McAllister/Jones.
In the locations mentioned above, the concrete street base will be repaired first, and new asphalt road surfacing will be applied once the new concrete street base is poured and properly cured. We expect this work to take 3 to 4 weeks in total to complete.
During street base repair and repaving work, both the eastbound and westbound bicycle lanes on Market Street will be closed 24/7. This closure is necessary to allow our crews the space needed to properly perform this work, and for the newly-poured concrete to properly cure.We ask that all cyclists use the designated detour routes that are marked by the orange metal signs in the area.
Street base repair and repaving on Market Street has been postponed
This work, which is part of the Better Market Street project, was scheduled to take place on Market Street between 5th and 8th Streets and begin on Monday, August 19th.
However, due to an unforeseen issue with the Muni Overhead Catenary System (OCS) lines in the area, we cannot start planned street base and paving work at this time. We will provide an updated schedule for this work as soon as it is established. We apologize for any confusion or inconvenience this may cause to those who live, work or travel through the area.
Street Base Repair and Re-Paving Starting Next Week!
Starting next Monday, our crews will be re-constructing the roadway at all intersections within the Better Market Street Phase 1 project area. This includes:
- The Market Street, 5th Street and Cyril Magnin Street intersection
- The Market Street, Mason Street and Turk Street intersection
- The Market Street, 6th Street, Golden Gate Avenue and Taylor Street intersection
- The Market Street, McAllister Street and Jones Street intersection
- The Market Street, 7th Street and Charles J Brenham Street intersection
- The Market Street, 8th Street, Hyde Street and Grove Street intersection
We will also be working on the block between 7th Street and McAllister/Jones.
In the locations mentioned above, the concrete street base will be repaired first, and new asphalt road surfacing will be applied once the new concrete street base is poured and properly cured. We expect this work to take 3 to 4 weeks in total to complete.
During street base repair and repaving work, both the eastbound and westbound bicycle lanes on Market Street will be closed 24/7. This closure is necessary to allow our crews the space needed to properly perform this work, and for the newly-poured concrete to properly cure.We ask that all cyclists use the designated detour routes that are marked by the orange metal signs in the area.
Ongoing Curb, Gutter, Curb Ramp and Sidewalk Work
Curb, gutter and sidewalk construction is in full swing as summer begins.
Curb, Gutter, Curb Ramp and Sidewalk Work
A majority of the granite curb installation, curb ramp construction and sidewalk work is currently taking place at the Market Street and 5th Street/Cyril Magnin intersection.
At the southwest corner of Market Street and 5th Street - outside of 901 Market - crews are scheduled to complete sidewalk reconstruction by the end of next week. At that point, they will begin constructing a new curb ramp and reconstructing a portion of the surrounding sidewalk at the northwest corner of Market Street and Cyril Magnin Street - outside of Hallidie Plaza - which should be complete by the end of June.
Additionally, there is ongoing curb and sidewalk work taking place at the southeast corner of Market Street and 5th Street - outside the San Francisco Centre Mall - that should also be complete by the end of June.
A bit further down Market Street, we are installing new curb ramps and pavers at the Market Street, Turk Street and Mason Street intersection. The granite band and new pavers, in various shades of grey, are designed to highlight the unique geometry of Market Street. This work should be complete by the end of next week.
As our crews finish their current work at the Market Street, 5th Street and Cyril Magnin Street intersection, focus will shift to the block of Market Street between 7th Street and McAllister/Jones Streets. This portion of work was recently added to the Better Market Street Phase 1 contract to complete the segment between 5th Street and 8th Street.
Starting next week, we will be performing a wide range of work on the north side of Market Street between 7th Street and McAllister/Jones Streets, including constructing new curb ramps to facilitate easier pedestrian travel across Market Street, installing new granite curbs, reconstructing the gutter area and reconstructing a portion of the sidewalk.
At the same time, we will begin similar work at the northeast and northwest corners of the Market Street and 7th Street intersection. We expect this work to last through the middle of July.
Traffic signal work and sidewalk construction to continue throughout the spring.
Better Market Street Phase 1 construction continues with a variety of electrical work, curb and gutter construction, and sidewalk installation on Market Street between Fifth and Eighth Streets. Most of this work is taking place at intersections, and will help public transit, pedestrians and cyclists navigate the area more safely and efficiently once it is complete.
Despite a stormier than expected winter and a few other unexpected delays to construction, we expect construction to be complete in late summer 2024.
Traffic Signal and Muni OCS Pole Installation
Throughout April, our electrical subcontractor installed new traffic signal poles on all corners of the 5th Street, Cyril Magnin Street, and Market Street intersection. Over the last three weeks, they poured the foundations and began running electrical conduits to two new traffic signal poles at the northeast corner of the intersection.
Now that the new permanent poles have been installed, our crews are taking down the temporary poles that they previously installed on this corner to maintain Muni service and traffic signal operations during construction.
Last week, they also prepared for installation of a new traffic signal pole at the Market Street, Mason Street and Turk Street intersection by running new electrical conduits to the pole's future location.
Now that work is complete at these two intersections, our crews have moved on to the 8th Street, Grove Street and Hyde Street and Market Street intersection, where they have begun installing new Muni Overhead Catenary System (OCS) and traffic signal poles throughout the intersection. We expect this work to last through May.
Curb, Gutter, Curb Ramp and Sidewalk Work
Throughout April, curb, gutter, curb ramp and sidewalk work was concentrated at the Market Street and 6th Street intersection and the Market Street, Golden Gate Avenue and Taylor Street intersection.
At the corner of Market Street and Golden Gate Avenue, crews have constructed new curb ramps, replaced portions of the sidewalk, installed a new granite band and have begun installing new pavers in the area surrounding the new curb ramps.
Work began at the corner of Golden Gate Avenue and Taylor Street two weeks ago. The first phase of this work was to demolish the existing curb, gutter and parking strip at this corner in order for the area to be re-graded. Currently, crews are building the forms that will end up shaping the new curbs, gutter and parking strip areas along this portion of the intersection. Once form work is complete, we will pour new concrete curbs, gutters and parking strips at this corner.
Once work at the locations mentioned above is complete, our crews will begin sidewalk work at the northeast and southwest corners of the 7th Street and Market Street intersection. We expect this work to take place through mid-May.
STARTING NEXT MONDAY, March 25th - Center transit lanes on Market Street will be closed until April 6th.
From Monday, March 25th to Saturday, April 6th, PG&E will be relocating a utility vault on Market Street just east of the 6th Street intersection to support future phases of Better Market Street. This work requires us to close the center transit lanes on Market Street between 5th and 8th Streets. We are also using this time to increase the scope of work on this project. We will now be making infrastructure improvements to Market Street between 7th Street and McAllister Street/Jones Street, which was originally supposed to take place dueing Better Market Street Phase 2. On this block, we will be reconstructing crosswalks and installing new traffic signal conduits within the trackway during the next two weeks.
Our crews will also be making improvements to SFMTA's Overhead Catenary System (OCS) on Market Street between 7th Street and McAllister/Jones starting on March 25th. In order to safely and efficiently coordinate this work with other infrastructure improvements taking place in the area, we will need to perform this work at night. We expect night work to last about one month.
Please note: sidewalks will remain open to pedestrian traffic, and all below-ground BART and Muni service will maintain normal service hours during this period. All streets that cross this portion of Market (5th Street, 6th Street, 7th Street and 8th Street) will remain open as well.
Transit Impacts
To safely and efficiently complete this work, we will need to motorize the F line for its full route and replace it with bus service during this period, as the tracks will not be available for use by historic streetcars.
The following bus lines will have minor re-routes:
- 5 Fulton and 5R Fulton Rapid Inbound - re-routed at McAllister and Hyde - will turn right onto Hyde, left onto Market and proceed along its usual route.
- 19 Polk inbound - re-routed at 7th and Mission - will turn left onto Mission, right onto 9th, cross Market onto Larkin and proceed along its usual route.
All SFMTA bus lines that run along this stretch of Market Street (between 5th and 8th Streets) will run in the curb lanes and will be picking up passengers from stops at the curb, rather than the center boarding islands. This includes:
- 5/5R Fulton
- 6 Haight-Parnassus
- 7 Haight-Noriega
- 9/9R San Bruno
- N Owl
- L Owl
- L-Bus
- N-Bus
- 19 Polk
- 21 Hayes
- 27 Bryant
For complete information about transit impacts, please visit
Bicycle Detour Routes
During this period, the Better Market Street bicycle detour routes will be in place. As a reminder:
- Eastbound bicycle traffic will still be detoured off of Market Street and rerouted to Folsom Street from 9:30am to 7:30pm Monday-Friday
- Westbound bicycle traffic will be detoured off of Market Street and rerouted through the Tenderloin from 7:30am to 3:30pm Monday-Friday.
3/11/2024: Additional Work Added to Better Market Street Phase 1
Starting this Spring, we will perform a variety of infrastructure improvements to Market Street between 7th Street and McAllister/Jones. This block was originally supposed to receive these upgrades during Better Market Phase 2, however with the upcoming shutdown of the center transit lane from March 25th through April 6th, we now have the capability to perform this work in Phase 1. We will be performing the same scope of work on this block as we've been doing throughout the rest of the Phase 1 project area, including replacing and upgrading traffic signals, streetlights, streetcar tracks, BART grates, overhead wires and underground utilities while also repaving the roadway from curb to curb.
With this additional scope of work, we now expect this project to be complete in late summer 2024.
Despite the winter storms and consistent rain in recent weeks, our crews have been making great progress installing new pavers and bricks and preparing the foundations for traffic signal and Overhead Catenary System (OCS) poles at the 5th Street and Mason/Turk intersections.
In the beginning of February, our crews built the foundation for a combination traffic signal and OCS pole at the Market, Mason and Turk Street intersection, as shown in the photo above. As a reminder, OCS poles are those that support the system of cables that drive SFMTA's trolley buses and streetcars.
Over the past few weeks, they have been constructing the foundations for temporary OCS poles at at the Market, 5th, Cyril Magnin Street and intersection. This week is expected to be complete by the end of this week.This week, we will begin similar work at the Market, Grove, Hyde and 8th Street intersection, most likely starting at the corner of Hyde and Market outside the BART portal and Orpheum Theater. Full access to both BART and the Orpheum Theater will be maintained at all times throughout this work.
Since mid-January, we have been preparing the corner of Market and Turk Street for a major makeover. At this corner, we are constructing a sidewalk bulb-out, building all new curb ramps, installing new granite curbs and finishing the sidewalk with brand-new custom pavers. At this point, we have the new granite curbs in place, the area has been fully re-graded, the sidewalk sub-base has been placed and new curb ramps have been constructed. We expect to begin installing the new pavers sometime within the next two weeks.
With the holiday construction moratorium coming to an end this week, our contractor is preparing to resume work on Market Street between Fifth and Eighth streets. They are first re-mobilizing onto the work site, bringing back equipment and materials they'll need for upcoming work. Then, they will remove and demolish the temporary paving and asphalt work that was installed in November. This work will be replaced by permanent curb ramps, concrete pavers, widened sidewalks, and paving. The remaining work in phase 1 will mostly take place at intersections and includes installing new traffic signals and Overhead Contact System (OCS) poles, constructing the final few curb ramps and curb bulb outs, and repaving.
Next week, our contractor will continue full-time construction work and will begin with the construction of a few OCS pole foundations. OCS poles are those that support the system of cables that drive SFMTA's trolley buses and streetcars. They will also continue constructing new curb ramps and curb bulb outs at the Market/Mason/Turk, Market and 6th Street, and Market/Taylor/Golden Gate intersections.
In order to minimize impact to local businesses, residents, tourists and commuters during the holiday season, we will be pausing all construction on this project between Thanksgiving and New Year's Day. During this brief pause in construction, our project team will be gearing up and strategizing for the final few months of construction, which we expect to be complete in late Spring 2024. The remaining work in phase 1 will mostly take place at intersections and includes installing new traffic signal poles, constructing the final few curb ramps and curb bulb outs, and repaving. We expect construction to be complete in late Spring 2024.
Roadway and Sidewalk Improvements
Sidewalk and curb ramp work on Market between 7th and 8th Streets wrapped up earlier this week.
Now that work between 7th and 8th is complete, we'll be starting the same type of work on both the north and south sides of the block between 6th Street and the Mason/Turk intersection. We expect this work to take roughly two to three weeks to complete.
Afterward, we will move further east and perform work on Market between Mason/Turk and 5th Street.
New Traffic Signals
This week, we installed new electrical conduits and started constructing the foundation for a new traffic signal pole at the Market, Grove and Hyde intersection.
We have also started construction on the foundations for a new traffic signal pole at the Market, 6th Street, Golden Gate and Taylor intersection and for a new Muni overhead line support pole at the Market, Mason, and Turk intersection.
Improving the Urban Forest
For the past few weeks, we have been installing 8 soil cells on north side of Market between Taylor and Jones. Once this work is complete, which we expect it to be by the middle of next week, we'll install another 2 soil cells on the south side of Market between 5th and 6th Streets, which should take roughly three weeks to complete.
If you would like more information about soil cells and the benefits they provide to our urban forest, underground utilities and sidewalks, check out the July edition of Public Works' monthly newsletter! We wrote a full length story about this exciting new technology and how we're using it on Better Market Street Phase 1.
Market Street Shutdown Scheduled for Mid-October
To allow our contractors to work in the roadway and near Muni tracks, we will be shutting down Market Street between 3rd and 10th streets from Saturday, October 14th through Saturday, October 28th. During this period, all above-ground transit on Market Street, as well as bicycle traffic, will be re-routed off of Market Street.
We have not yet determined how impacted routes will be detoured and where transit stops will be relocated, but we will begin doing additional outreach as soon as this information is confirmed.
The following routes will be re-routed off of Market during this two week period:
- 5 Fulton
- 6 Haight/Parnassus
- 7 Haight/Noriega
- 9 San Bruno
- 19 Polk (inbound only)
- 21 Hayes (outbound only)
- 31 Balboa (oubtound on weekdays, inbound on weekends)
- F Line Streetcar
- L Taraval Bus
Please note: sidewalks will remain open to pedestrian traffic, and all below-ground BART and Muni service will maintain normal service hours during the shutdown. All streets that cross this portion of Market (5th Street, 6th Street, 7th Street and 8th Street) will remain open as well.
Phase 1 Construction Update
The eastbound curb lane along Market between 5th and 8th streets has been repaved! You'll notice a smoother surface as you ride your bike or take transit down Market Street. The intersections will be re-paved during the Market Street shutdowns.Starting on Monday, August 14th, we will be performing this same work on the north side of Market, in the westbound curb lane. Demolition and street base repairs will take place August 14th-17th, and paving along the westbound curb lane will take place on August 18th.
Most of the work taking place throughout late July and early August has been on Market Street's roadway and sidewalks between 7th and 8th Streets. Over the past few weeks, our concrete and masonry crews have built two new curb ramps to improve accessibility at the loading bays along this block - one in front of 1177 Market and the other in front of 1155 Market - and are currently replacing the brick sidewalk near these newly-built ramps as well.
The majority of the brick work currently taking place is to cover up the soil cells that have been installed to support 15 new trees to be planted on this block. We should be wrapping up this portion of brick work on both the north and south sides of this block within the next two weeks.
This week, we've begun installing electrical conduits for new traffic signals at the Market, Golden Gate and Taylor and 6th Street intersection. We expect this work to last until August 15th. Once we finish at that intersection, we will perform the same work at the Market, Cyril Magnin Street, and 5th Street intersection. This work should last until the end of August.
Last week, we wrapped up soil cell installation on the north side of Market between 7th and 8th Streets, right at the edge of UN Plaza. We are now moving up to the north side of Market between Taylor and Jones, where we'll install 8 more soil cells. Then, starting the week of August 14th, we'll install another 2 soil cells on the south side of Market between 5th and 6th, which should take roughly a week and a half to complete.
As summer approaches and Market Street once again plays host to some of the City's most cherished events, the Better Market Street team is focused on providing a safe and inviting space for these events to take place while still making progress on phase 1 construction between Fifth and Eighth streets.
We continue to perform improvements concurrently on different sections of the project limits in order to get this project done as quickly as possible. Below is a brief rundown of what we've had going on this week and have planned for the weeks to come. A reminder to walk your bike on the sidewalk if you are going around the construction zone. Detour routes are also provided if you need to go more than one block on Market Street.
This weekend: Some water-filled barriers are scheduled to remain in place on Market Street during this weekend's Pride Parade. The barriers could not be removed due to excavated areas behind the barriers. We apologize for any inconvenience.
New Traffic Signals
Our crews are continuing to excavate along the curb line to install electrical conduits, which will help power the 5 new traffic signals that we'll be installing later on this year.
This past week, we've been finishing up conduit installation on Market between 7th and 8th Streets and beginning conduit installation at the intersection of 8th Street/Grove Street/Hyde Street. We expect work at this intersection to last until the end of the month.
Once we're all wrapped up with conduit work in and around 8th Street, we will then move to the 6th Street/Golden Gate Avenue/Market Street/Taylor Street intersection.
Roadway Improvements
Throughout this week, our concrete crews have been pouring new gutters, street base and loading bays on both the north and south side of Market between 7th and 8th Streets. Once all work on this block is complete, they'll be pouring gutters, street base and loading bays on the south side of Market between 5th Street and the Turk Street/Mason Street intersection.
We have also started our first sidewalk brick replacement and curb ramp construction work at three separate locations this week:
- The south side of Market between 7th and 8th Streets.
- The south side of Market between 6th Street and the McAllister Street/Jones Street intersection.
- The south side of Market between 5th and 6th Streets.
Improving the Urban Forest
Soil Cell installation is continuing to progress on the north side of Market between 7th and 8th Streets, right at the edge of UN Plaza. We expect all soil cells on this block to be fully installed this month, at which point we will be moving up to the north side of Market between 6th Street and the McAllister Street/Jones Street intersection to install a few more soil cells.
Soil cells are pieces of underground landscaping infrastructure that help promote healthy tree and root growth without causing damage to either the sidewalk above or other infrastructure below the roots. This is because their honeycomb shape allows for more un-compacted soil around the trees and provides roots with more directions to safely grow.
Construction on Better Market Street Phase 1 continues to progress smoothly, and we're excited to share another update on what we're up to as we head into Memorial Day Weekend. We continue to perform multiple different types of improvements in different sections of the project area simultaneously, in order to get this project done as quickly and efficiently as possible. Here's a brief rundown of what we have going on this week and in the weeks to come.
New Traffic Signals
Our crews are continuing to excavate along the curb line to install electrical conduits, which will help power the 5 new traffic signals that we'll be installing later on this year. Throughout the first few weeks of May, we performed this work on Market between 5th and 6th streets, as well as at the 6th and Market intersection.
Currently, we're doing the same work - installing electrical conduits for traffic signals - at the southwest and southeast corners of the intersection of 5th, Market and Cyril Magnin. We expect this work to wrap up by the end of this week. Once it is complete, we will move to the northwest and northeast corners of this same intersection.
Roadway Improvements
Earlier this week, we finished up work on the concrete gutter and loading bays on the north side of Market between Golden Gate/Taylor and Jones/McAllister. We are now starting the same scope of work on the north side of Market between 7th and 8th streets. Once that work is complete, we will move to the south side of this block.
We anticipate work to be finished on the north side of Market between 7th and 8th by the end of next week, and by mid-June on the south side.
The construction of new concrete gutters and loading bays on the south side of Market will allow us to restore the concrete roadway within the curb lane, which is tentatively scheduled to start by mid-June.
These improvements, along with repaving, will drastically improve the safety and overall ride quality for those biking, taking transit, or driving commercial vehicles along the corridor.
Improving the Urban Forest
Construction on Better Market Street Phase 1 is ramping up and we're excited to fill you in on all the construction tasks that our crews have started this month.
Here's a brief rundown of the work that is currently taking place in the Mid-Market corridor:
- Our contractor, Esquivel Grading and Paving, Inc., is performing concrete work between 5th and 8th streets along the south side of the street.
- Sewer work is beginning at the 5th Street and Market intersection and moving west.
- Traffic signal work is starting at 8th Street and Market and moving east.
- Soil Cell installation is beginning soon, and will be starting on Market between 7th and 8th streets.
As construction expands further into the roadway, we would like to remind cyclists who use Market Street to please obey all posted lane closure and detour signs. Our contractors will have flaggers and signs set up daily during working hours to remind those cycling through the area to either take a detour off of Market (see detour routes below) or dismount your bicycle and walk along the sidewalk. We appreciate your cooperation in helping make these areas as safe as possible for pedestrians construction crews and your fellow cyclists.
We have made the following changes to the eastbound bicycle detour route:
- Added an additional turn-off of Market at 11th Street
- Extended the route along Folsom Street so it stretches from 11th Street to 2nd Street
- Eliminated the portion of the route on 3rd Street
- Added 2nd Street as the route to return to Market from Folsom Street
Eastbound bicycle traffic will still be detoured off of Market Street from 9:30am to 7:30pm Monday-Friday. To allow easier morning commuting into downtown, work on along the eastbound bicycle lane will not begin until 9:30am. Once work begins each morning, all eastbound bicycle traffic will be re-routed off of Market and through the revised detour outlined below:
- Detoured off Market at 11th Street - turn right onto 11th Street
- Left turn off 11th Street onto Folsom
- Continue along Folsom until 2nd Street
- Left turn off Folsom onto 2nd Street
- Continue along 2nd Street until Market
- Turn right onto Market and proceed eastbound
There are additional re-routes off of Market at 10th Street, 8th street and 6th street. All of these also direct cyclists to the detour route on Folsom Street.
There have been no significant changes made to the westbound bicycle detour route.
As a reminder, westbound bicycle traffic will be detoured off of Market Street from 7:30am to 3:30pm Monday-Friday. To allow easier afternoon commuting out of downtown, work on along the westbound bicycle lane will stop at 3:30pm. Once work begins at 7:30am each morning, all westbound bicycle traffic will be re-routed off of Market and through the detour outlined below:
- Detoured off Market at Ellis Street - turn a slight right onto Ellis Street
- Left turn off of Ellis Street onto Mason Street
- Right turn off of Mason Street onto Turk Street
- Left turn off of Turk Street onto Polk Street
- Right turn off Polk Street back onto Market and proceed westbound
There are additional re-directions off of Market Cyril Magnin Street, Taylor Street and Charles J Brenham Place. All of these also direct cyclists to the detour route on Ellis, Mason, Turk and Polk.
Cyclists are also encouraged to take alternative routes starting further away from the project area to avoid adding unnecessary travel time to their trips. For a full list of bicycle routes in the area, please visit
Starting the week of February 6th, our contractor, Esquivel Grading and Paving, Inc., will begin “potholing,” which is the digging of exploratory holes along the project limits to help confirm the depth and alignment of existing underground utilities. Doing so will help us avoid damaging any of these utilities during construction. About two weeks after potholing begins, our contractor will begin performing other scopes of work throughout the project area. These include:
- Removal of dead trees: starting the week of February 20th
- Electrical work for traffic signal upgrades at 5th and Market intersection: starting the week of February 27th
- Installing soil cells in street tree basins: starting the week of February 27th
For the duration of this project, we will provide bicycle lanes along Market to stay open in the peak direction during peak hours (Eastbound before 9:30am, Westbound after 3:30pm). Bicycle traffic during the workday will be detoured off of Market Street to ensure the safety of cyclists, our construction crews, and all others traveling along Market Street. About a week before construction is scheduled to begin, we will install signage throughout the area to guide cyclists to the correct route.
Things are ramping up on Market Street as we prepare to begin Better Market Street Phase 1. Today, our contractor will begin taking measures to protect 90 street trees located within the Phase 1 project area from the upcoming construction work.
To protect these street trees, our contractor will be constructing protective barriers by inserting steel posts in a square formation into the dirt surrounding the tree, then wrapping orange plastic snow fencing around the four posts and reinforcing the structure using 2 by 4-inch wooden boards. Overall, it will take about two weeks to set up barriers for all 90 trees in the project area that need protection. We're starting on the corner of Fifth and Market and gradually moving to Eighth and Market.
This tree protection work is taking place in advance of full-time construction on Market Street, which will be starting up in late January 2023. Immediately after tree protection is completed, our contractor will be performing “potholing,” which is the digging of exploratory holes along the project limits to help confirm the depth and alignment of existing underground utilities. Doing so will help us avoid damaging any of these utilities during construction.
Public Works has given Esquivel Grading and Paving, Inc. Notice to Proceed, or NTP. This designation kicks off a four month pre-construction period, in which the project schedule will be finalized, construction equipment and materials will be procured, and some preliminary construction will take place. Full time construction is expected to begin in January 2023.
Public Works has officially awarded the construction contract for Better Market Street Phase 1 to Esquivel Grading and Paving, Inc. The contract, which is worth an estimated $29,100,000, will cover the improvements planned for the Mid-Market area between Fifth and Eighth Streets. Notice to Proceed is expected in early July, which will kick off a four-month construction mobilization and outreach period. The project will formally break ground in late 2022.
A public hearing on the proposed removal and replacement of 21 street trees in the Phase 1 project area (Market between 5th street and 8th street) will be held on Monday, April 25, 2022 at 5:30 PM PST. If you are interested in attending this hearing, which will be held virtually on Zoom, you can log in using the information below.
Zoom meeting login:
iPhone one-tap: +16699006833,,85627957854# or+12532158782,,85627957854#
Phone: +1 669 900 6833 or +1 253 215 8782
Meeting ID: 856 2795 7854
If you are unable to attend the virtual meeting on the 25th, you can submit written comments regarding the subject matter to Public Works' Bureau of Urban Forestry at 49 South Van Ness Ave. Suite 1000 94103 or
For more information on the hearing and photos of the trees in question, please visit the Bureau of Urban Forestry's Tree Removal Notifications Page.
The construction contract for Phase 1 has been advertised and bids are due by Wednesday, November 10, 2021*. Bid details can be found here. (*Bid period end date is subject to change.)
The Better Market Street Project virtual open house will be available on the project website November 2 - 13, 2020. The interactive, online event can be accessed at any time during the two-week period. Learn more about the project, including the proposed design, schedule and background through virtual informational boards.
There will also be two opportunities to join the project team for a live online public meeting on:
Wednesday, November 4, 2020, from noon-1:00 p.m. and
Monday, November 9, 2020, from 4:30 - 6:00 p.m.
Please plan on joining us to hear the latest project updates. The meeting links and additional details will be posted on the Better Market Street project website.
The Better Market Street Project will host a Virtual Open House in late October 2020. Two live virtual public meetings will be held. Dates and further details will be available at
Caltrans published the Notice of Availability and the Draft Environmental Assessment for Better Market Street on Friday, May 29, 2020, and will accept public comment until 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, July 14, 2020. Comments may be submitted, in writing, by 5:00 PM on July 14, 2020 and addressed to:
Boris Deunert
San Francisco Public Works, 30 Van Ness Avenue, 5th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94102
Visit for more information.
Open House Boards
Better Market Street Public Meetings June 2019 and August 2019
Urban Design
Site Design/Streetscape
Market Street Today: Transit
Bikes and Safety
Proposed Muni Service
Muni-Only Lanes and Boarding Islands
Transit Stops
Improving Historic Streetcar service
Vehicle Circulation
Loading on Market Street
Project Overview
Market Street, between Octavia Boulevard and Steuart Street.
Project Features
The Better Market Street project proposes a transformative redesign of the city’s busiest corridor. Key features include private vehicle restrictions, repaved curb lanes and intersections, new ADA-compliant curb ramps and pavers at multiple intersections, sidewalk bulb-outs, new street trees and sidewalk furnishings and a loop for the historic F-Market streetcar line that will increase service between Fisherman’s Wharf and Mid-Market.