Taraval Streetscape Construction Starts Today

For immediate release: Nov. 3, 2014

Contact: Rachel Gordon, 415-554-6045


Ocean-themed improvements enhance neighborhood safety and beauty


San Francisco, CA – Construction begins today on the Taraval Streetscape Improvements Project. The project area stretches from 46th Avenue to 48th Avenue on Taraval Street, a commercial corridor serving the surrounding residential area in the Outer Sunset.

“These improvements on Taraval are an investment in our neighborhoods and small business corridors on the west side of our City,” said Mayor Ed Lee. “This project was made possible by San Francisco voters who approved the Road Repair and Street Safety Bond to invest in our infrastructure, making our streets safer and more attractive for pedestrians, motorists and Muni riders.”

"The Taraval Streetscape Improvement Project is one example of how the Road Repair and Street Safety Bond, passed by voters in 2011, has brought necessary infrastructure improvements to our neighborhoods," said District 4 Supervisor Katy Tang, who represents the Sunset. "This project brings long overdue investments to key commercial corridors, and our community looks forward to the pedestrian safety, landscaping, and corridor revitalization improvements along lower Taraval."

Added San Francisco Public Works Director Mohammed Nuru, “The new artwork, public seating and decorative crosswalks will make the coastal neighborhood more attractive and inviting for residents and visitors. “ 

San Francisco Public Works designed the improvements and is managing construction.

The Taraval Streetscape improvements include more visible crosswalks, enhancing pedestrian safety along the corridor; a public seating area, new landscaping and street trees to revitalize the stretch; and streetlight upgrades and roadway paving to make the street safer. 

The crosswalks at 46th, 47th, and 48th avenues will be decorated with a blue wave pattern, a nod to the nearby Pacific Ocean. Pervious pavers will be installed in the parking strip allowing rain water to percolate into the aquifer instead of the sewer. The existing exposed cobblestones along the Muni tracks will remain.

The scope of work will include a safer crosswalk at 47th Avenue; and bulb-out landscaping will be installed along the improved corridor. 

The streetscape will include a new traffic roundabout at the intersection of 48th Avenue and Taraval Street. An artistic gateway will be installed in the middle of the roundabout. The piece, featuring three concrete “sails,” is being created by Colette Crutcher, a Bay Area artist known for her mosaic staircases. Her design will reflect the oceanic theme of the neighborhood. A second decorative gateway is being developed with help from Supervisor Tang’s office, to be installed on the façade of Congregation B’Nai Emunah at 46th Avenue.

The contractor, L. C. General Engineering and Construction, Inc., will take steps necessary to minimize the impact of construction between the Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day holidays. No work will be performed on the commercial block on Tarval between 46th and 47th avenues during the holidays.

Construction of the $1.2 million streetscape improvement project is expected to be completed by April 2015.

San Francisco Public Works is partnering with the City’s Office of Economic and Workforce Development (Invest in Neighborhoods program), the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency and City Planning. Other key partners include Supervisor Tang, neighborhood residents and merchants.

For more information, visit SF Public Works Taraval Streetscape Improvements Project.

About San Francisco Public Works: The 24/7 City agency cleans and resurfaces streets; plants and nurtures City-maintained street trees; designs, constructs and maintains City-owned facilities; inspects streets and sidewalks; builds curb ramps; eradicates graffiti; partners with neighborhoods; trains people for jobs; greens the right of way; and educates our communities.