Silver Avenue Water Main Installation

Project Update             Silver Avenue

Week of February 03, 2014

DPW's contractor is finalizing plans and expects to break ground on this project next week. Crews will begin working on the project near the Alemany intersection.

Project Description

The San Francisco Department of Public Works (DPW) has partnered with the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) to complete much needed infrastructure upgrades along Silver Avenue. The work will include water main installation and sewer replacement work along several blocks of Silver Avenue. Once the contractor completes  water main installation and sewer work on a block, crews will then begin preperations to repave Silver Avenue. Preparations will include construction of new curb ramps at intersections along Silver Avenue. The new curb ramps will meet current ADA guidelines and will facilitate travel for pedestrians. Crews will also remove any damaged sections of the concrete street base prior to repaving a block. The street base is located underneath the asphalt roadway. The contractor will saw-cut sections of the roadway in order to access, remove, and repour the concrete base. The paving limits of Silver Avenue are from Alemany Blvd to Palou Avenue.

Water service and sewer service should not be interrupted during installation of the new line. However, during "change over" and "tie-in" work there may be a small interruption to water service. The tie-in work is typically completed overnight to minimize any interruptions to service. The SFPUC will inform affected residents/ businesses of any disruption to water service.

Project Duration

16 months - Construction will begin in February 2014 and is expected to end in May 2015.

Impacts and Restrictions

Street parking will not be possible while construction occurs on the block. Please see the posted barricade signs for exact work hours, days, and locations, because they may vary depending on the construction task. In some cases parking may not be possible on the adjacent block as we taper the traffic lanes in order to accomodate the work zone.

Access to your driveway or garage will remain available throughout construction. However, delays are possible while the contractor works on your block. Crews may need to create a path of travel for your vehicle if they're working on your block or in front of your property. The may need to move equipment or lay down steel plates for you to enter exit your driveway. Please allow extra travel time during construction work hours.

Work Hours

The typical work hours are 7am  - 6pm , Monday to Friday. Weekend work is allowed however none has been scheduled at this time. If weekend work is necessary we'll be sure to include that information on this webpage.




For additional information please contact DPW Public Affairs Officer Alex Murillo at (415) 437-7009.