SoMa West Ancillary Sewer and Streetscape Improvement Project

Construction Schedule 

Construction begins January 2012 and will be completed by September 2012. The contractor will generally work one block at a time to minimize disruptions to area residents. Since we have several locations under this contract, it may be weeks or months before construction begins on your block. 

Work Hours 

Monday through Friday: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM. 

Saturdays and Sundays: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM. 

Project Location 

Mc Coppin Street: Valencia Street to Otis Street 

Pearl Street: Duboce Avenue to Market Street 

Elgin Park: Duboce Avenue to Mc Coppin Street 

Valencia Street: Duboce Avenue to Mc Coppin Street 

Stevenson Street: Duboce Avenue to Mc Coppin Street 

Jesse Street: Duboce Avenue to Mc Coppin Street 

Traffic Impact 

Traffic may be temporarily delayed at times as result of intersection and lane closures necessary to perform the work. “No Parking / Tow Away” signs will be posted 72 hours in advance with the project work-hours and parking restrictions.

Access to private or commercial buildings will be maintained at all times where possible. If access restrictions are required, affected tenants will be notified in advance. Please observe parking and traffic signage and allow extra travel time in case of traffic delays during construction work. We appreciate your cooperation and patience as we improve the sewer system in your area.