• Leland Avenue Streetscape Improvement Project
  • Leland Avenue Streetscape Improvement Project

Leland Avenue Streetscape Improvement Project

In 2006, the Visitacion Valley community, in coordination with the San Francisco Planning Department and Public Works, completed a process to design detailed pedestrian, streetscape, and traffic calming improvements to Leland Avenue, the neighborhood ‘Main Street’ of Visitacion Valley.

The Leland Avenue Streetscape Improvement Project includes 63 newly planted trees, 30 accessible curb ramps, 15 corner bulb-outs and 45 pedestrian light fixtures. In addition, the street and sidewalks were repaved and now include decorative-stamped crosswalks to promote pedestrian safety, sidewalk furniture and public art entitled “Street Life” (commissioned by the SF Arts Commission and designed by Rebar). We collaborated closely with the SF Public Utilities Commission to include stormwater management facilities as part of the streetscape improvements, including bulbouts that capture rain runoff during storms and reduce strain on the city's sewer system.

Leland Avenue between Bayshore Boulevard and Rutland Street
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District 10
Project Team

Public Works
Planning Department
Municipal Transportation Agency
McGuire and Hester

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