Various Locations Pavement Renovation and Sewer Replacement No. 56
Project Update
San Francisco Public Works is scheduling final paving on Pennsylvania Avenue between Cesar Chavez and 23rd Street. This phase of work has been coordinated with Caltrans given the proximity to the freeway on-ramp/off-ramp. This work is scheduled to start on Tuesday February 27, 2024 and will take 2 days to complete on each block. This work will be completed overnight overnight between 9 PM and 6 AM. We'll post the blocks with "no parking" signs 3 days in advance of the work to alert mortorists of any parking restrictions.
Project Description
San Francisco Public Works and the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission have partnered to complete infrastructure improvements on several blocks throughout San Francisco as part of our Various Locations #56 project. Our partnership allows us to minimize impacts to the public by consolidating our work whenever possible. This project will include sewer main replacement/rehabilitation, curb ramp installation, street base repairs, grinding (removal of existing asphalt) and repaving.
Construction is began at the first location in December 2022 with completion expected at the last location in February 2024. San Francisco Public Works will manage the project during construction. The work hours may vary by location; however, the typical working hours are 7:30 AM to 5 PM, Monday through Friday. Weekend work is allowed but is not anticipated at this time.
Below is a list of the blocks included in this contract:
15th Street (Vermont Street to Carolina Street) - Final paving work remains
Mariposa Street (Rhode Island Street to Texas Street) - Final paving work remains
19th Street (Carolina Street to Connecticut Street) - Final paving work remains
Pennsylvania Avenue (20th Street to Cesar Chavez Street) - Final paving work remains
26th Street (Rhode Island Street to Wisconsin Street) - Final paving work remains
Utah Street (23rd Street to 24th Street) - Final paving work remains
McKinnon Street (Lane Street to End) - Completed
Palou Avenue (Griffith Street to End/Fence) - Completed
Revere Street (3rd Street to Keith Street) - Completed
Shafter Avenue (3rd Street to Lane Street) - Completed
Shafter Avenue (Keith Street to Hawes Street) - Completed
Thomas Avenue (Lane Street to Jennings Street) - Completed
Thomas Avenue (Ingalls Street to Griffith Street) - Completed
Yosemite Avenue (3rd Street to Ingalls Street) - Completed
Note: Not all blocks will include sewer main replacement work. The blocks scheduled to include sewer work are as follows:
15th Street and De Haro Street intersection - Completed
Mariposa Street: Rhode Island Street to De Haro Street - Completed
Mariposa Street: Wisconsin Street to Connecticut Street - Completed
19th Street: Wisconsin Street to Arkansas Street - Completed
Pennsylvania Street: 20th Street to 22nd Street - Completed
Pennsylvania Street: 25th Street to Cesar Chavez - Final paving work remains
Pennsylvania Street and 23rd Street intersection - Final paving work remains
26th Street and DeHaro Street intersection - Completed
McKinnon Avenue: Lane Street to End - Completed
Revere Avenue: 3rd Street to Keith Street - Completed
Shafter Avenue: 3rd Street to Lane Street - Completed
Shafter Avenue: Keith Street to Hawes Street - Completed
Thomas Avenue: Lane Street to Jennings Street - Completed
Thomas Avenue and Hawes Street intersection - Completed
Yosemite Avenue near Ingalls Street intersection - Completed
The first phase of work on a block will include sewer main replacement and/or rehabilitation (lining). Once the new sewer main has been installed, or the existing one is lined, our engineers will review video of the sewer laterals to determine which, if any, need to be replaced. The sewer laterals are the connection between the main and the curb/sidewalk. Note: Sewer laterals are only replaced on an as-needed basis depending on the condition of the existing line. Sewer service will not be interrupted during construction. Please continue to use your household and business plumbing as usual.
Once the sewer work is complete on a block, crews will begin preparations to repave a block. Preparations will include concrete street base replacement work. This task will require the contractor saw-cut, excavate the broken concrete, and pour fresh cement. Replacing any damaged/broken street base now will help prolong the durability of the new pavement. This may happen at several locations along the block. Preparations may also include the installation of ADA compliant curb ramps at 4-way intersections and T-intersections.
San Francisco Public WorksSan Francisco Public Utilities CommissionKJ Woods Construction, Inc.(415) 759-0506 Office(415) 780-7101 After-hours