• Photo of Twin Peaks by Hangtime Media

Parkmerced, Twin Peaks, Mt. Davidson Manor Residential Street Resurfacing Project

The Parkmerced/Twin Peak/Mt. Davidson Manor residential Street Resurfacing Project will consist of traffic routing, pavement renovation, ADA curb ramp installation, sewer replacement and all associated work at various locations throughout San Francisco. 

Work Locations:

Upland Drive*, between San Benito Way and Kenwood Way  (Approx. April to August 2019) COMPLETE
San Aleso Avenue, between Upland Drive and Monterey Blvd.  (Approx. May to September 2019) COMPLETE
Darien Way, between Aptos Avenue and Kenwood Way  (Approx. June to October 2019) COMPLETE
Dorado Terrace, between Ocean Avenue and Dorado Terrace  (Approx. July to September 2019) COMPLETE
Clairview Court, between Panorama Drive and End  (Approx. July to September 2019) COMPLETE
Oak Park Drive*, between End and Clarendon Avenue  (Approx. July to October 2019) COMPLETE
Olympia Way, between Clarendon Avenue and Panorama Drive (Approx. August to October 2019) COMPLETE
Font Boulevard, between Lake Merced Blvd. and Juan Bautista Circle  (Approx. October to December 2019) COMPLETE
Midcrest Way, between Panorama Drive and End  (Approx. October to December 2019) COMPLETE

(*Traffic calming devices (speed bumps) will also be installed on Upland Drive and on Oak Park Drive)

Construction will begin in March 2019 and is anticipated to continue through early 2020.**

(**Please Note: Construction scheduling and sequencing is subject to change and dates may be accelerated or delayed due to rain or other weather delays, equipment breakdown, and/or unforeseen field conditions. Please see posted "No Parking" barricades for exact restricted parking dates. Restrictions may vary per block.)

Construction Update:

12/3/19: Crews will grind and pave Font Blvd. between Serrano Drive and Juan Bautista Circle on Thursday, December 5, 2019 and will also grind and pave the final section of Midcrest Way, between Cityview and End on Monday, December 9 and Tuesday, December 10.

11/4/19: Crews are continuing to work on completing installation of ADA Curb Ramps on Font Blvd. Crews anticipate grinding and paving activity on Font Blvd. to occur the week of November 11 and the week of November 25*. (Please see: Anticipated Paving Plan Map.)

On Monday, November 11, crews will grind the north and south bound lanes of Font Blvd. between Lake Merced Blvd. and Tapia/Arballo Drive (Except for the traffic circles “A” and “B”) [Blocks #1 and #2]. On Tuesday, November 12, crews will grind the north and south bound lanes of Font Blvd. between Tapia/Arballo Drive and Serrano Drive (Except for the traffic circles “B” and “C”) [Blocks #3 and #4]. On Wednesday, November 13, crews will pave the southbound lanes of Font Blvd. between Lake Merced Blvd. and Tapia/Holloway Ave. (Except for the traffic circles “A” and “B”) [Blocks #1, #2 and #3]. On Thursday, November 14, crews will pave the northbound lanes of Font Blvd. between Lake Merced Blvd. and Tapia/Holloway Ave. (Except for the traffic circles “B” and “C”) [Blocks #1, #2 and #3]. On Friday, November 15, crews will pave the north AND south bound lanes of Font Blvd. between Tapia/Holloway Ave. and Serrano Drive (Except for the traffic circles “C” and “D”) [Block #4]. The week of November 18, crews will perform street base repair around the ADA curb ramps at Font and Tapia. From November 25 to 27, crews will pave the traffic circles between Lake Merced Blvd. and Holloway Ave. (Traffic circles “A”, “B” and “C”). Due to scheduling and availability of paving crews, the remaining traffic circle at Font Blvd. and Serrano Drive (“D”) and block of Font Blvd. between Serrano Drive and Juan Bautista Circle [Block #5] will be scheduled to be completed at a later date. 

*Please note, these anticipated dates and sequencing are subject to change. During paving activity, a lane of travel will be maintained at all times. Traffic may be rerouted around grinding/paving activity as needed.

10/28/19: Crews will soon begin the final concrete segment on Midcrest Way at Cityview Way starting on 11/04/19. Crews continue to work on ADA curb ramp installation on Font Blvd. and anticipate paving activity on Font Blvdbetween Lake Merced Blvd. and Juan Bautista Circle to begin starting on November 6, 2019

09/20/19: Crews will soon begin curb ramp and concrete street work on Midcrest Way from Panorama Drive to the Cul de Sac. Detailed information will be shared with residents closer to construction. 

09/12/19: Crews will soon begin concrete street replacement work on certain parts of Oak Park Drive between Devonshire Way and the cul-de-sac starting on Monday, September 16, 2019Work will be done in two segments, along the eastern portion (even numbered addresses) of the street and then along the western portion (odd numbered addresses). During concrete street replacement work, access to driveways and parking on the roadway may be restricted during different phases of work or concrete curing. Please see attached notice for additional information

08/08/19:  Crews will begin concrete roadway replacement on Oak Park Drive, from Lake Forest Court to Christopher Drive.  Crews will begin work on the northern side of Oak Park Drive (even numbered addresses) and move to the southern side of Oak Park Drive (odd numbered addresses) Driveway access will be prohibited August 20th through Sept 2nd. (dates are approximate)

08/07/19:  Crews began roadway grinding and final paving this week on Upland Drive, San Aleso Avenue and on Darien Way.  The tentative work schedule is as follows:

August 6-9  Upland Drive, Kenwood Way to San Benito Way
August 6-9  San Aleso Avenue, Upland Drive to Monterey Blvd
August 12-15  Darien Way, Aptos Avenue to Kenwood Way

07/17/19: Crews will begin street base repair work on Dorado Terrace, from Ocean Ave. to End, starting on Thursday, July 18. Street base work is anticipated to continue through Thursday, July 25. 

06/27/19: Crews continue to wrap up manhole and sewer work on Darien Way and ADA curb ramp work at various locations on San Aleso and Darien Way. Once sewer work is complete on DArien, crews will install street base and temp pave the roadway prior to final paving activity anticipated to occur later this summer. Crews do NOT plan to work Thursday, July 4th or Friday, July 5th. Crews will resume work on Monday, July 8th.

06/12/19: Crews anticipate starting work on Darien Way from Kenwood Way to Northgate Drive the week of June 18, 2019 and will continue through July 2019. Crews will begin with sewer work, followed by street base repairs and ADA curb ramp installation, followed by final roadway paving. Sewer service will not be impacted during construction. 

05/22/19: Crews anticipate starting work on San Aleso Avenue on Tuesday, May 28, 2019. Crews will begin with manhole installation at Upland Drive and San Aleso Avenue, followed by sewer main installation work on San Aleso between Upland Drive and Darien Way. Work on San Aleso is anticipated to continue through July 2019. On Upland Drive,  between Westgate and Manor, crews are working to complete street base work and will follow with application of temporary pavement. Crews will return at a later date to the area to complete final roadway paving. Crews have also begun ADA curb ramp installation at the intersections of Upland and Northgate and at the intersection of Upland and Manor.

04/11/19: Crews anticipate starting work on Upland Drive, between San Benito Way and Kenwood Way, starting the week of April 22, 2019. Crews will begin with sewer main replacement work, followed by street base reapirs and final roadway paving (anticipated to be completed on Updand Drive by the end of summer 2019). 

01/22/19: 30 Day Notice from Contractor


(Photo of Twin Peaks courtesy of Hangtime Media)

Pavement and Sewer Renovation
District 7
Project Manager
Edmund Lee, 415-554-8258
Project Team

San Francisco Public Works

Precision Engineering, Inc. 

Coma Te
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